27 Mar 2014 12:29:09
Not really a transfer rumour, but wanted to share my view on things.

So let's get this straight, in effect Cellino was knocked back by the Football League, due to failing the fit and proper persons test, which is almost certainly (without the sugar coating) down to this tax evasion stuff blah blah blah. let's remember that this man was funding Cagliari for OVER 20 YEARS. Surely that has proven he is more than capable of not just funding, but actually running a football club. However, that's not the point i'm making.

How can GFH Capital have passed this 'Fit & Proper' persons test (as they call it) when it was made perfectly clear that they were not willing to run the club on their own? their plain aim was the find investments from anywhere they could. Surely this doesn't coincide with the 'Fit' part of this test, because although it may not be in black and white, it surely means that they do not have the kind of moneyt needed to fund a football club. It's common sense, if you don't have the money to at least sustain a football clubs status (if not enhance this) then you simply shouldn't be committing to buy it.

This point may seem stupid, but it's the way i'm looking at it. Opinions welcome.

1.) 27 Mar 2014
This is prerty silly, ghf r a publically listed investment bank obviously they can proove funds lol them not willing to put money is a different matter all together

2.) 27 Mar 2014
Nothing stupid about your view it seems common sense to me and fully agree.

3.) 27 Mar 2014
Farnan cellino flowers and pearson together 25% each

4.) 27 Mar 2014
Cellinos appeal has gone in and its reported the FL are well aware of the financial predicament Leeds are in and its hoped it will be resolved in two weeks, I would suggest Leeds United is now a test case and if Cellino allowed to take control the backlash from the media etc would be way over the top virtually ensuring Cellino can't take over, GFH are nothing but pickpockets and haven't got the decency to tell the best fans in the world what's going on, an absolute disgrace, wouldn't suprise me to see Bates sat in the directors box again shortly, having denied any wish to be involved again, our great club, and fantastic fans deserve much better than all this crap, but Ill STILL be there on Saturday, MOT.