20 Oct 2013 20:25:34
Anybody else hear rumor about G.F.H.had GUESTS at todays game, was hearing that they were entertaining possible investors? I sit lower east and as I was leaving there was 6 or 7 blokes looking over the safety rail in directors box applauding the team, I don't know whos who in box but would be interested to find out. Got one snap on my phone but lose definition when zooming in.

1.) 20 Oct 2013
I can vouch for the above rumour.

We sit in L33 and there were several suits leaning over

Don't know who they were but they looked important.

Hope it's someone special

2.) 20 Oct 2013
Damn good match for them to be at, if there is any truth there. Here's to hoping eh.

3.) 21 Oct 2013
GFH have already sold off more than 60% of their ownership, There is no investment

4.) 21 Oct 2013
GFH are just selling a percentage of their holding to make a profit

5.) 21 Oct 2013
Just Dom Matteo and The Chief

6.) 21 Oct 2013
I understand that Nooruddin wasn't in town, but Haigh and Patel were joined by two gentlemen representing a Saudi royal, who is looking to acquire a majority share.