25 Mar 2014 08:44:25
I know it has been talked about in jest. but can't the fans buy the club? I know it is a fantasy, but isn't Swansea using this model along with a a financier? I appreciate it's easier said than done, but . Don't shoot me down too quickly. I am not well off by any means but I would be willing to go something like 10K. 50,000 supporters x 1000 or 100,000 supporters at 500 each is 50mil. with the support we have world wide and the rich supporters/business men who would take a put on success who are willing to throw in the odd 100K. I know I am dreaming but how good would it be?

1.) 25 Mar 2014
Yes your dreaming

2.) 25 Mar 2014
Issuing shares is a great idea, I would buy a grands worth. Kaisers would I am sure pop a million in. Steve Parkin £5 million, Chris Moyles £1 million. Our very good Scandanavian supporters I am sure would like to invest.
We just need a figurehead to set the ball rolling. Any ideas of who could head this up? Alan Clarke would be my first choice.
Also, anybody care to come forward with other " names " who are potential investors?

3.) 25 Mar 2014
After we've all ploughed our savings into the purchase, who will fund day to day running costs? Pipe dream.

4.) 25 Mar 2014
Russell Crowe, Colin Montgomerie, Kelly Jones, Jeremy Paxman.