Leeds banter 242883


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30 Jun 2024 03:37:54
Still don't think we will keep gnonto or cree. And hopefully mez. Pretty sure they both want out. Should get minimum 60 for the 2. Loads of dosh. Cree the hardest to replace.
Gonna be a very diff looking Leeds next season by the sounds.
Selling gray alone gives us enough for decent rb and amf.

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30 Jun 2024 04:08:05
agree Aus, think we’ll have to sell cre and gnoto and i’d be ok with letting Mes go, think be around 60-70 for those 3 but need to invest some back.
i’d also see if Spurs would look at gray, give us rodon and skipp and 20 mil.

30 Jun 2024 08:09:09
If I was Archie’s fam, I wouldn’t let him go to spuds after what they did to Jack Clarke. In fact, I wouldn’t let him go near London Village, full stop. Absolute cack hole!

30 Jun 2024 13:26:50
You ever been to Leeds bright. A-hole of the world I call it. Apart from one tiny bit that houses a stadium. Rest is swine.

30 Jun 2024 19:25:18
You clearly haven’t been there for a long time Aus…the city is going through a complete rejuvenation and now a much better place to visit. In fact, the stadium is looking out of place and needs its own rejuvenation!



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