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25 Jun 2024 21:52:46
Well that's nearly 2 hours of my life I won't get back.

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25 Jun 2024 22:39:22
Easy way to fix the England squad, you get them together and have them audition, one at a time, to belt out God, save our gracious King. If they can't, or won't, they're off the team.

We have the talent, not the passion. The squad should be people who WANT to play for England, not those that HAVE to.

26 Jun 2024 08:28:34
Gordon, Palmer and Mainoo made a difference when they came on.
Gallagher wants to be there, but isn’t anywhere near good enough. Saka does the same stuff all the time, so is readable, and Foden is trying too hard.
The subs were better imo last night, and deserve starts.

26 Jun 2024 12:18:31
Needed to bring someone on to take a few risks. Palmer did that when he came on and made a difference as they were forced to double up and it created space elsewhere.

Should've but on that and bring someone else who could create some penetrative attacks such as Eze or Girdon, but instead his next sub was bringing Trent on ??‍♂️

And the only change to the starting line up he made had a shocker and got dragged off at HT.

He's just woefully inept, tactically unaware, risk averse and such poor in-game management. He's got a team full if great/ world class attackers and he's neutered the teams ability to be creative and take risks in the attacking third. Patterns of play are shocking with an extremely slow temp.

Just god awful to watch. Sure the players hate it too.

26 Jun 2024 12:42:57
Watched the highlights of other three games but skipped englands. Thanks lads.
One thing I will say. I hate Croatia as much as Everton. But that was tough lol.



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