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27 May 2024 14:07:14
The morning after the night before (well, technically it's the afternoon after the afternoon before! )

Disappointed but not overly surprised - Leeds United and the play offs is not a marriage made in heaven.

I think it was Manston who said yesterday 'get deals done soon', couldn't agree more!

Sell those out on loan as soon as we can and use the money to pay off the £70m to £100m loss (reports vary) - it won't pay it all but will help take a chunk out of it then start looking at serious bids only for our current squad. Cash in on Summerville and Gnonto, and sell Meslier for as much as we can get. Only sell Rutter if we have to (and if the bid is sufficiently high enough) but whatever we do, guard Archie for at least another 2 or 3 years (no point in him joining Liverpool or similar for £30/ 40m to warm their bench next season - it's not worth it either for him or for us) .

I'm more concerned with what we do with Farke. He hasn't done a bad job but from the position we were in, we should have got promoted. Normally I would be happy to say let him have another season however this summer there are one or two very useful people on the market.

Graham Potter and Steve Cooper spring to mind as viable options but the guy I would really like to see us go after is Cifuentes from QPR. They were a basket case when he took over yet the job he has done in turning them around and the high energy way in which they play has been hugely impressive.

I don't think for one minute the owners will get rid of Farke but if they do there are credible alternatives out there.

Just my opinion, doubtless you'll have yours - ten weeks till we start again so let the debate begin but above all, don't be too down-hearted, we are Leeds and we will be back:)

Agree5 Disagree0

27 May 2024 14:16:32
Top post again Cleggy

applause ??.

27 May 2024 14:41:38
Cheers Baz, getting it off my chest after yesterday!

27 May 2024 15:29:50
Excellent post Cleggy, and actually having the Nutz and nouse to come up with names should the unlikely happen, and Farke is chopped!
I do like the QPR shout in particular out of those mentioned, as I was very impressed by them as they dispatched us, and liked the style of play he uses.
Potter wants a bigger job, and I just don’t get Cooper personally, dunno why, tho doubtless he could do a job.

27 May 2024 15:47:40
Welcome Cleggy.

27 May 2024 17:01:20
I think you typed the word most Leeds fans would be feeling now and that is Disappointed.
Although the expectation for success always rides very high at our club, it’s no more than what we have dealt with on numerous occasions.
I honestly feel Farke will have a much better grip with next season and although auto promotion is not a given, I’d be very surprised if he didn’t achieve exactly that.
There will definitely be some departures of the current squad but not as many as some might think in my opinion. Willy and Jimmy are almost certain to leave, I have the impression Rodon would love to stay at the club and help us get promoted next season, same goes for Rutter, I think he also gets the club and fans.

I am probably one of the very few that would like Mez to stay and as a goalkeeper he is still developing, I would however like to see a better veteran Gk than Darlow to push Mez on.
We should be also looking for a RB if Robert’s is not for sale, as said before, it’s difficult to equate his time with us, not seen enough of him.
As for Firpo he does tick the right boxes for Farkes style.
The midfield is somewhat ordinary, Gruev and Kamara do blow hot and cold.
Archie could very well be that attacking midfielder we’ve needed for so long, I hope Farke utilizes him in that role next season, scoring goals is a part of that, can he do that?
It’s amazing the expectation of this young 18 year old and he seems to deal with it incredibly.

Final note, get rid of every loan clause player, they don’t deserve to play at Leeds Utd.

27 May 2024 17:21:58
Don't disagree with a word of that OP.

Anyone can go except for Archie is the mantra I'm clinging to this summer:)

27 May 2024 17:29:30
Replacing Meslier with a reliable much better gk is absolutely imperative

An entire new defence as Rodon unlikely to be there next season

Stick Ampadu back in mf
The squad also needs 3 new mf recruits. creativity and goals

New pacy goalscoring CF preferably 2

IF a huge offer comes in for Archie Gray . accept it. to help finance a much needed huge rebuild.

27 May 2024 18:02:24
Opti the midfield is Gray+Ampadou. Sorted.

27 May 2024 18:40:59
Oh great Leo a midfield of Amps and Gray. a midfield with zero league goals scored zero assists ?

That isn't a promotion midfield.

27 May 2024 18:58:09
Sell Archie Baz, are you the third anti Christ?
Why on earth would you sell the future of Leeds United. I know you’re a wind up merchant and love the attention but you do post some crap at times.

Leodis it is important that Farke does get his midfield selection right for next season. I do believe Farke sees Ampadu as a center back and tbh he does look impressive in that position for us.

27 May 2024 19:14:11
Baz you just posted before to stick Ampadu back in MF? Then you say oh great Leo Ampadu and Gray a MF with zero goals and zero assists! Make your mind up mate! You’ve started already and the new season is ten weeks away! ??.

27 May 2024 19:17:26
Attention seeking Baz? Moi OP?



Leeds need CASH, finance, dosh, spondoolies . to regenerate this team and squad .15 new players!

Along with profit sustainability issues IF a huge bid comes in for Archie Gray of £40 million plus take it.

Sentimentality OP isn't getting promotion. get in the real world ? fella.

27 May 2024 19:30:37
That’s the problem with Baz, he often makes conflicting posts and seems unable to make his mind up, but when he does he constantly changes it to whatever the current situation arrives at. ?.

27 May 2024 19:30:44
Did he look impressive when he unnecessarily stepped up into Saints midfield trap causing a gaping hole in our defence allowing Strongarm the freedom of northwest London producing a carbon copy goal like the league game?

27 May 2024 20:00:24
Woody and OP wake up/ keep it real hombres ? :

I clearly stated

"Amps is not a CD . he is a midfielder"

In midfield
"Amps AND sign 3 new midfielders creative and goal scoring midfielders " for our squad

Amps and AG as a midfield 2 isn't getting Leeds United promotion that's a given

A midfield of 3 would be in my starting 11 choice. Amps and a CAM and another progressive goal scoring midfielder.

27 May 2024 21:14:57
I did say the future of Leeds United, he’s an 18 year ol kid who is showing already amazing potential and maturity. The short terminisme is very evident in some. If you really believe Archie is not worth holding onto and believe he is talentless then there is truly no hope and only despair which is all I read from certain posters on here.
It’s quite sad really in my opinion.

27 May 2024 23:28:15
OP ? if I thought AG was ' talentless ' i would not have suggested a £40 million plus bid acceptance

Hercule Poirot, Sherlock Holmes you most certainly are not.

27 May 2024 23:47:11
That said OP his great Uncle Eddie Gray would be worth £100 milion plus in today's market . seriously gifted . better than George Best . a thousand Jack Grealishes and yes much much better than Archie Gray.

27 May 2024 23:52:36
You keep Arch definitely and reject incoming bids (unless the bid is £95+M) . You integrate his younger brother into the squad next season too. You also hope the Hampton South fan doesn't get reelected otherwise there could be need for a munitions cabinet and assault course at Thorp Arch.

28 May 2024 06:01:00
You will not be getting offers of 40 Mil + for an 18 yr old championship player. I just find it amazing you would think it would be a good idea to sell him!?

I’m pretty sure his family are not advising him to leave, nor do I think he personally wants to either.
I believe he will be at the helm of team in the Premiership by the end of next season and he will be one of the main reasons why we will achieve that.

28 May 2024 10:04:07
Hang on Ms Marple . four years ago a 17 year old Championship player "Hey Jude" went to Dortmund for £35 million transfer fee

You couldn't make up OPs posts ?.

28 May 2024 18:42:08
Archie Gray is not the freak Bellingham is and it still wasn’t 40 Mil. I don’t need to make it up, it’s just what it is.
The disappointment is that you would prefer to get rid of him, same time you would like want away Harrison to return. Sad ethics in my mind.



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