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08 Feb 2023 08:22:40
Hearing that Harrison, Struijk and Bamford won’t be playing tonight, does anyone know if there’s any truth in that?
Losing Bamford again could be a big problem for us.


1.) 08 Feb 2023 09:01:04
Don’t think any of them played well against forest prob for different reasons. Harrison cause of deadline day debarked. Struik cause he can’t play well and Bamford not fully fit.
So no surprise if it’s true. Trouble is except for gnonto and wober everyone was crap so be interesting to see.
Worth giving Tyler Weston and maybe gyabi a go.
See what Rutter can do.
Def don’t even have Aron on bench.

2.) 08 Feb 2023 12:50:57
Rodrigo injury remains a disaster
Thank gawd that Brent has gone. worse than the Hock as all time worst Leeds coach.

3.) 08 Feb 2023 13:12:06
I think that’s fair tbh, all 3 were woeful on Sunday, especially Struijk and Harrison, Bamford was very isolated but still had a stinker. Hopefully he starts a solid 3 in midfield with McKennie replacing Jack and Rutter false 9. Suppose Firpo will start LB but can’t be any worse than Pascal has been lately (I’ll regret saying that by 20:05 tonight I’m sure)

4.) 08 Feb 2023 20:20:35
All 3 starting.

5.) 09 Feb 2023 09:03:53
Sack your snitch opti.



06 Feb 2023 14:37:09
Marsch sacked.


1.) 06 Feb 2023 14:42:12
Now't on Sky but a lot of people saying he's been given the bullet this morning! ?.

2.) 06 Feb 2023 15:00:32




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21 Jul 2024 07:49:30
Read a brief interview with Farke yesterday saying that he’d like Wöber to stay and says after testing today, whatever that means? they can hopefully get him integrated in the the squad.
It did look like with his exclusion from the squad against Harrogate that he might not be staying.
You would have to admit that a back three line up of Rodon, Wöber and Struijk with Amps shielding them would be potentially a formidable defense.

If Farke wants Wöber and he wants to play for us I’m happy because that defense with the safe hands of Meslier who had 21 clean sheets last season should be quite awesome.


1.) 21 Jul 2024 08:12:04
Ooh, I’m going to get such a backlash for agreeing with you OP! ???
But yeah, adding in two capable wingbacks like Bogle and Jnr, and then getting the best offensively out of the glut of talent at our disposal, then we begin to look like a strong unit.

2.) 21 Jul 2024 08:23:39
Agree with it being a formidable defence, OP. Just that last part feels like you're chumming the waters for Baz ?.

3.) 21 Jul 2024 09:16:56
Haha Dill yes i do enjoy to wind up Baz but to be fair he does the same to me.
I know Mez is not everyone’s cup of tea but I like him, he’s a good keeper who I feel will iron out those parts of his game that he does not excel at yet.

No harm in agreeing Brighty, Baz is not only the King of false prophecies but the Emperor of the WUM’s.
You say what you want my friend, take no notice of Merciless Ming known as Baz, he’s just a puppy who knows diddly squat about football. ?

Getting back to the football, yes It does look a fantastic defense and with new signing Bogle and the revitalized Firpo as our wing backs, it does look exciting .

Fingers crossed we’re going to get this done this season and do it in some terrifying style against our opponents at the same time.

4.) 21 Jul 2024 10:03:57
I can only apologise in advance OP, but I just cannot be excited about Wobers return. (Testing is the normal tests every player undergoes before preseason starts and Wober didn’t undergo them due to Euros)

As I written previously, I’ll cheer anyone in the Leeds shirt BUT I’d rather it was not a player who dumped us in our hour of need.

But where I really step on over to the dark side and (ouch) have to mildly agree with Baz is I still believe Messellier is the weakest link in our squad.

Now I’m not in the “Gashlier” camp as Mess is a fantastic shot stopper and does very well on one to ones.

But he’s never eradicated those positioning flaws for me, he’s not dominant enough on crosses, especially given his height and predominantly retreats backwards, towards his line and not forwards on crosses and set pieces.

I get he’s young and agree he’s probably five years of his peak but I have to say I would be delighted to secure a better keeper than we currently have, in my opinion.

But it’s a game and site of opinions and happy to eat as much humble pie as is necessary, but I would throw whatever it takes to get Patterson and be set in goal for the next five years.

5.) 21 Jul 2024 10:21:01
Agree op on wober. I said when he first went out on loan that I wouldn't mind him back and he was probably the most English football ready of the group.
I never understood all the fist shaking calls of no loyalty at these loan players. Of course they had no loyalty to leeds. They had been with us barely a season. And offered a way out even before they came to Elland Road.
It was the situation at the time made by marshe orta and rads.
If wober wants a second chance and if farke wants him he will be a big plus for our team.
As for mes. I have to agree that he will make a great goal keeper one day but I still need convincing that will be in the English league. I think he still needs to command the box more. Every corner against us he is crowded by the opposition because they know he is not confident in the air. But I must say with a settled and solid back 4 last season he was much more settled and pulled of some amazing saves.
As has been mentioned before all the outgoings this year have not affected the core of last years team. So some decent signings eg. Bogle will only make us stronger.

6.) 21 Jul 2024 10:30:44
He ain’t changing now. It’s in his dna. His whole persona suggests he knows best.
So welcome wober back if it strengthens us but mez is never going to get any better now. Or maybe after he is 30 and realises everybody else knew best and was only trying to help him. Just saying.

7.) 21 Jul 2024 11:58:29
I really hope Wober stays . as we gonner need a very, very strong defence .

Mission each match :

no opposition shots on target

as Meslier nearly ALWAYS let's in the first shot.

8.) 21 Jul 2024 12:32:46
Wober is with the squad in Germany so this is looking hopeful. Firpo is too. I thought he was going to Real Betis. I wouldn’t keep him as a left back but he’s def an asset on the left wing in this division.

9.) 21 Jul 2024 13:26:21
Likewise Class I would also eat enough humble pie to stuff a horse with my opinions, just so long as we arrive back to the Prem and try to ciment our future back there .
I back what we’ve got because I don’t see any changes in certain personnel and as you rightly point out, if they are wearing the white shirt and give their max you’ll hear no complaints from me, even with the Wöber story i think at the end of the season we will see if he deserves redemption from us fans.

10.) 21 Jul 2024 13:49:53
A better gk than Meslier would make promotion much, much more likely though OP. we all want it!

You don't want yet another disappointment do you? ?.

11.) 21 Jul 2024 15:38:07
Our coach rates him, obviously you know more than he does!

12.) 21 Jul 2024 16:05:00
Perhaps, just maybe Farke does OP. but DF has made plenty of mistakes in his coaching career . this is yet another one!

Bottom line OP
no other club unsurprisingly wants to sign Gashlier! . no actual offers from other clubs for Meslier EVER! .

That says it ALL how gash/ mediocre Meslier actually is!

13.) 21 Jul 2024 17:34:11
De Zerbi wanted him at Marseille but they didn’t or couldn’t pay the 20 Mil Leeds were asking for him.
Try again Baz.

14.) 21 Jul 2024 19:01:13
Speculative guff OP
No quotes from De Zerbi

Clutching at straws OP . much like Mes.

15.) 21 Jul 2024 21:45:52
I’ll let you struggle then with the unnecessary frustrations and angst as Ilan Meslier our number 1 keeper for this season and probably many seasons to come. For me I’m absolutely fine with it and delighted he’s not leaving for Marseille.
Happy days ?.

16.) 21 Jul 2024 23:40:13
OP we all suffered " unnecessary angst" on bottling promotion last season thanks to Mes amongst others.

17.) 22 Jul 2024 06:35:22
I’m amazed that you admit there were others, perhaps all bar Dan James who didn’t bottle it I’d imagine, who did seem to go off the boil when he returned from his disastrous Wales international.
I think you prefer to single out Meslier because you feel it is he alone, the sole whipping boy that is the problem for Leeds Utd but you know deep down that you are wrong but you can’t admit it, hence now switching to saying that, some other players are the problem also.
Which one is it Baz? Meslier, some other players, Farke or everyone at Leeds United?

Your angst is yours alone, with Meslier and now some other players!?,
it’s certainly not mine.

18.) 22 Jul 2024 09:53:34
OP silliness. don't be disingenuous m. you have read my posts om last season's failure

1.YOU had angst end of last season ( we all did) . unless you really are a Wendy . possible
2.Mes was mediocre to gash . save per shot ratio 17th out of 24 Champo keepers etc
3.DF made bad mistakes and bottled it
4.CS and WG in particular went AWOL last 11

Aa regards DJ, . he was the best Leeds United player by far in playoff final.

19.) 22 Jul 2024 11:56:47
Yes Baz all that in your very myopic make believe football originated mind.
Good luck with that.

20.) 22 Jul 2024 15:39:42
DJ was mostly w ank after the Welsh lost in their Euro bid tbf, Baz. Looked dejected. Played decent at Hull iirc.



20 Jul 2024 17:09:05
Interesting timing of giving young Harry Gray a run out yesterday.
He does look a proper prospect for Leeds in the future.
I don’t think anyone should be under the illusion that he’ll be playing first team football anytime soon though.
It was quite possibly a little preview for the fans to soften the blow of losing our Archie and to say, we lost Archie but what a great prospect we have in his brother Harry.


1.) 20 Jul 2024 21:15:55
OP No reason why we can't give Harry an outing off the bench in the League Cup.

2.) 21 Jul 2024 08:17:39
Also had a run out in the behind closed doors game the other day, so I believe he will have a bit part to play on and off, and it’s about building his experience, and exposure gradually. But hey, DF doesn’t blood youth does he!? ???.

3.) 21 Jul 2024 11:28:04
Mr Bandwagon, but it was inserted in DF signing on contract that he simply must give opportunities to any player with the surname Gray ☺?.

4.) 21 Jul 2024 18:04:32
Do you actually understand the “bandwagon” phrase Baz?
Perhaps you should research it, just to find out how to use it within the correct context? ???.

5.) 21 Jul 2024 22:48:58
Brighty Bandwagon you should definitely first explain what you yourself "understand " of the " bandwagon " phrase when using it for George.



18 Jul 2024 21:07:08
Impeccable timing from Harry Potter to announce that he has finished his break from football coaching and is now available for a new job.
Plotting Potter edging his chances that the FA will choose an English manager and that Eddie Howe will find it impossible to leave Newcastle.
How predictable some things are in football.


1.) 18 Jul 2024 21:43:06
OP Perhaps it's coincidental? ?.

2.) 18 Jul 2024 21:48:45
Lewis Dunk going to be our starting CB ?.

3.) 18 Jul 2024 21:58:59
Potter is obvious FA choice

Uber virtually impossible suggestions on here of Bielsa, Pep, Klopp etc . never happening.

4.) 19 Jul 2024 02:45:23
I don’t like the fact he has after all this time declared himself ready to coach again. I’d give it to Howe tbh.

5.) 19 Jul 2024 03:09:17
Pep getting the nod apparently.

6.) 19 Jul 2024 07:49:02
Bielsa 80/ 1 with Sky Bet and 20/ 1 with Paddy Power!

7.) 19 Jul 2024 07:49:27
Don’t think any of us said those appointments were possible. They were simple responses to the question “who would you want? ”
Completely different to “who will get the job? ”
Appointing Potter would show a total lack of ambition, and a total lack of respect for the English, football supporting public.

8.) 19 Jul 2024 08:46:16
Can you imagine Bielsa coaching the talent available in the England forward line positions. Attack Attack Attack. Would be some spectacle.

9.) 19 Jul 2024 11:26:48
I think the FA will struggle to afford Howe as he was earning twice what Southgate was earning and he has a 5 year contract at Newcastle [to compensate for. ]

Potter is the most likely since he is available.

Potch is also available, lives in London and knows the EPL [the players], but I can't see the FA picking over an English coach, though he would be my choice.

Carsely should also be in the running, English, available, brought through the system, been successful with the U21's.

10.) 19 Jul 2024 12:23:06
Only one person . Potter.



16 Jul 2024 05:33:50
Makes me laugh to see some journalists now linking, again, with Willy Gnonto for 25 Mil to Everton.
They couldn’t pay the fee for Jack Harrison which was roughly the same price but can for Willy.?
They also report McKennie possibly also going to Everton or Villa from Juve!
Good luck with the pudding boy, obviously they never watched his so called talents with us when we got relegated.

I would say Gnonto is worth more than the estimated 25 Mil also and judging by the clubs no sale last summer I doubt very much they will want sell. him now, unless for a much higher value.


1.) 16 Jul 2024 07:58:46
Selling Onana and Branthwaite. Onana as good as gone now, so they'll have the money now.

McKennie was woeful for us ?.

2.) 16 Jul 2024 08:15:15
The Onana deal didn’t get them much profit about he cost £35m plus a 20% sell on clause

but also selling branthwaite will likely give them some money available as he will be all profit so that should put them in a position to buy Gnonto

Personally I’d rather if we do sell he goes to Newcastle.

3.) 16 Jul 2024 10:17:51
In terms of PSR. They can buy players if they sell him as accounting is over a 3 year period. Plus the fee is amortised over the duration of the contract.



08 Jul 2024 08:35:59
Just read that Llorente 30yrs old has been sold to Real Betis on a unbelievable 4 year deal ?, what is not unbelievable is that he’s only been sold for 2.5Mil. When you think our previous owner paid 18Mil, he was without doubt a huge flop for our club.
Probably not that bad a player but absolutely not suited for the Premiership, there are I expect many reasons why some players can’t adapt when moving to foreign leagues.


1.) 08 Jul 2024 09:18:44
He was absolutely woeful for us. Zoned out big time.

2.) 08 Jul 2024 09:32:07
Couldn't handle the game tempo in the EPL. Was too quick for him.

3.) 08 Jul 2024 10:19:39
I’m an impatient man dill. Always was always will be. I like things to be done now lol.

4.) 08 Jul 2024 13:44:07
He's gone and so is Klaesson.

5.) 08 Jul 2024 16:54:34
Frigging one way conveyor belt out of ER

All we are singing is

sign us some players.

6.) 08 Jul 2024 19:02:54
I'm holding out hope that we sign some bangers. We need an attacker or three.
We play the best when we are aggressive, pressing attack.
Signing ten defenders is the opposite of what we need.

7.) 08 Jul 2024 19:49:49
RB, B2B or AM and a CF would be my priorities.

A GK would be nice, but if Mes stays won't be the end of the world. After those positions mentioned we do need a LB as Firpo will be going next summer so would like to integrate someone this season. Samuel Dahl from Djugardens is who I'm looking at atm.




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26 Jul 2024 08:35:22
What and no goalie to replace Meslier Baz, have you finally changed your mind about him?




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25 Jul 2024 17:17:09
Even if they are in the relegation zone come Jan/ Feb Baz?
I doubt it very much, unless they want to be a yo-yo club.




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25 Jul 2024 15:58:12
Cooper Leicester with their points deductions for breaking the rules.




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25 Jul 2024 13:51:51
Bielsa didn’t have any problems with him.
Gave 100% every time he played, never seen him disinterested or over petulant.
His stats for running are off the scale.
The expression, good servant is not a correct expression I agree but Bamford for me gave all he could every game, he’s not a big tally goal scoring striker but does a lot for the team.
Having said that his injuries have made him unreliable and he’s not so young anymore, so it is a time for a change.




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25 Jul 2024 06:20:57
Unfortunately for Meslier he will always be at fault even when it isn’t his fault. I think it’s quite clear to see that Struijk’s pass back or whatever it was did Meslier no favours. Pascal has been out of action for quite a while and although he had a decent game against Hanover, his judgment and timing might be a little rusty. Overall no big deal in my estimation.
