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To Mightywrighty's last 5 banter replies


Mightywrighty's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Mightywrighty's rumours posts


26 Jul 2024 13:02:18
See one rumour on Twitter saying we have signed Jay Fulton from Swansea for 500k? Can't find any other reference to this anywhere so I'll take it as BS.


1.) 27 Jul 2024 00:55:35
Fulton nearly signed. Not likley as player as demanded higher wage and cannot agree terms 4/ 10 likely to happen next window. , Sara early talks but way of it just sniffing around. Confient summerville staying. 5/ 10. Word is recruitment traveling to germany on koln signing a midfielder. Whispers sound legit. Woking progess 8/ 10 legit.

2.) 27 Jul 2024 06:55:22
Decent news for northwest Surrey.



13 Jul 2024 18:56:12
Sounds like Kamara to Rennes for €10m is a done deal
Not a bad player but I think Kamara put Rothwell in is an upgrade .
I don't think there is room for Gruev, Ampadu and Kamara in midfield
So similar.


1.) 13 Jul 2024 20:26:23
Kamara gone is good news imo.

2.) 13 Jul 2024 20:34:48
Kamara and Rothwell different profiles. In fact all four are different profiles to each other. Shame if he goes. Kamara was good at progressing us up the pitch. The man that made us tick between defence and attack.

Kamara a progressive passer, technical on the ball.

Rothwell more of a runner to progress play, tenacious.

Gruev has workrate, tackler, more of a lateral passer.

Ampadu deep lying playmaker, press resistant, good passing range

Room for all of them imo as each does a different job.

3.) 13 Jul 2024 22:52:44
Dillinger - Gruev isn’t just a lateral passer - probably better at longer passes into final third than Kamara.

4.) 13 Jul 2024 23:12:29
Dill The question therefore is what's Crew's profile?

5.) 14 Jul 2024 00:40:12
Kamara pass forwards? . lmao.

6.) 14 Jul 2024 07:31:09
Clu, was being reductive so could write quickly to highlight the differences between all four. Did say MORE of a lateral passer, not JUST a lateral passer fwiw.

The majority of Gruev's passing consists of short/ mid passes laterally or vertically into the middle third. Does he ping a few long balls into the final third every now and again? Sure, but nothing regularly.

He does, Baz. Kamara's play tends to be in the final two thirds and it shows in the breakdown of his passing stats. He has 6.87 progressive passes per 90, ranking him in the 86th percentile.5.97 passes into the final third, ranking him in the 84th percentile. And 1.23 passes into the penalty area, ranking him in the 84th percentile.

I've barely watched Crew tbh, George, so wouldn't wanna say without spending a bit of time watching him first.

7.) 14 Jul 2024 08:47:16
That isn’t Gruev’s natural approach. He does, and initially did, prefer to lift his head in space from deep, and play more reaching passes, similar to Kal, to the wings, and through the middle. When Farke clearly told him to keep it simple, was when the brakes were put on our faster, more flowing and varied football.
The lateral element of his play is more through managerial design than natural ability or desire.

8.) 14 Jul 2024 09:23:33
I like Kamara but all I’m saying is there isn’t room for the 4 of them
Especially with strujk now going to CB that means Ampadu likely to play in midfield and Aaronson coming back as well something has to give.

9.) 14 Jul 2024 09:56:13
Of course there's room for four players who are different profiles ? could well be Brighty. All I know is Kamara's passing stats in the attacking third are much better.

10.) 14 Jul 2024 10:33:57
Agree brighty. Def change due to farkes instruction.
Remember a few decent sprays.
And it has been reported kamara will be replaced.

11.) 14 Jul 2024 12:50:25
If it is at DF's instruction it's a weird one. Negates our ability to get up the pitch quicker. We've looked most dangerous in the transitional phase, so not sure I understand why he'd neuter part of someones game like that.

12.) 14 Jul 2024 20:43:02
Graham Smyth says another midfielder to come in, Rothwell the gray replacement.

13.) 15 Jul 2024 03:31:14
Good news.



13 Jul 2024 18:38:25
I've seen a few posts of x regarding a behind closed doors game v Chelsea over 3x45 min half's? Anyone know about this? Any potential line ups etc? I heard we lost 5-1.




13 Jul 2024 16:08:50
Jayden Bogle linked .
Any thoughts?


1.) 13 Jul 2024 18:24:00
Decent at this level. Pops up with some goals too. Scored against Ambrosia I believe last season but also og'd against the Goons. Entering final year of contract. Bid in region of £5M ought to convince Blades to sell.

2.) 13 Jul 2024 20:30:19
Has some versatility of position. scores a few goals and gets assists too

Decent buy IF it happens.

3.) 14 Jul 2024 08:47:45
Would be a good signing imo.

4.) 15 Jul 2024 11:27:51
Agree bright decent signing.



30 Jun 2024 09:45:02
Yorkshire evening post saying we have rejected Brentford's offer.


1.) 30 Jun 2024 12:02:22
Fine details, such as “show me the money! ”……and now!

2.) 01 Jul 2024 08:43:17
Yeah. Think Brentford said we will pay you when we get money for Toney. Forgetting he plays for England.

3.) 01 Jul 2024 11:16:36
What yer on about Aus.




Mightywrighty's banter posts with other poster's replies to Mightywrighty's banter posts


21 Jul 2024 16:13:58
Wober in the squad for the tour . I for one think it's great, saves us going in to the market
He and Aaronson could be like new signings as never played under Farke
Also with strujk returning after missing a lot of last season there is 3 players who haven't played a lot of football under Farke
I for one am positive.


1.) 21 Jul 2024 16:35:43
I feel the same, mate.

2.) 21 Jul 2024 16:49:35
Me too mighty, think they could both do a job in the Championship. We have a solid back line, and I think Firpo will go and Wober slotting in at LB. I think he played there several times for Austria in the Euros and got forward well and put in some very decent balls.
Unless we lose Jimmy and / or Willi, we will need additional resource for the left and cover for DJ, then I think all we need is a top class CF, and that would make for a very good team indeed.

3.) 21 Jul 2024 16:54:23
Wober, BA and Struick all back is good news imo

Even the Tinters can't bemoan it.

I am hoping by Sept 1st end of transfer window the team and squad is good for a speculative Baz Top 2 prediction.

4.) 21 Jul 2024 17:56:43
Why on Earth would “tinters” bemoan it? What has that got to do with opinions on those 3 players? One of whom was our skipper, and sorely missed by all last season?

5.) 21 Jul 2024 18:56:25
Referring to last season loanees Wober and BA.

6.) 21 Jul 2024 19:26:37
Why oh why would the rose tinted lot bemoan that Baz?, jeez you talk some crap ? sometimes! I mean, Wober, as much as he wanted to go I’m chuffed to bits he’s staying and having Struik back is fantastic, as for Anderson, he has beefed himself up and has said he wants to be successful with Leeds, so let them go and do their thing. It’s like having 3 new signings on top of the four we’ve already signed.

It’s great news and it’s exciting for the coming season, I can’t wait for it to start, we will have the rose tinted title in the rose tinted bag by end of rose tinted January!
Baz go out and get yourself some of these rose tinted glasses, they are fantastic and they make the world look wonderful and happy and they even make you look kind and you feel so optimistic about everything, so take your Grinch mask off for a day and try our glasses Bazmus Meltus! ????.

7.) 21 Jul 2024 19:26:46
Regarding Wober White Ben hit the nail on the head.
The lad was basically at Leeds five minutes so for me gets a pass on the loyalty issue. He obviously wants the best for his career and when he was offered a job in Germany took the opportunity. He can’t be lumped in with the likes of Harrison who was at our club for five seasons yet couldn’t wait to get out after relegation. That’s one player who I’d never ever want back at our club.

8.) 21 Jul 2024 22:32:43
Woody ☺. you Tinters are at times.

slightly more amusing than one of Corky's dodgy " jokes " ?.

9.) 22 Jul 2024 00:32:37
Now they are shockingly dodgy Baz aren’t they! I don’t know where Corky gets them from, maybe an old box of antique 70’s Christmas Crackers that he found in a house clearance, bless him! ??????.

10.) 22 Jul 2024 11:42:09
I liked em Corky!

11.) 22 Jul 2024 13:21:50
Cheers Brighty! They made me laugh when I first heard them. Posted a few others but not put up for some reason.

12.) 22 Jul 2024 14:42:34
Surely a 'tinter' would see the positives in any situation so why do you think they wouldn't be happy? Doesn't make any sense at all Baz.

13.) 22 Jul 2024 17:31:37
Alf cuppa most of the Tinters on here did not want loanees to return .

14.) 22 Jul 2024 17:32:15
. and pop kettle on Alfie cuppa lad . two sugars easy on the milk.

15.) 22 Jul 2024 20:55:53
Not true tinters then are they? That's my point. You can't label someone something if they act the opposite.



17 Jul 2024 14:35:45
Not Leeds related but football related so forgive me if nobody cares but does anyone know the difference between derby county selling their stadium to a company owned by their owner and getting a points deduction as it breaks the rules and Chelsea selling 2 hotels to their parent company to balance the books and it not breaking the rules?


1.) 17 Jul 2024 15:51:52
Probably just added those two to the long list of Chelsea offences already being investigated, and awaiting punishment!

2.) 17 Jul 2024 16:59:56
Derby County claimed one value when the owner purchased it and then claimed its value was twice as much in their statutory accounts. They did this to try and show lower losses.

3.) 17 Jul 2024 17:53:49
I think if these assets are sold for a reasonable value, it seems to be OK, like Ani said, it’s when it’s over inflated it becomes a no no!

4.) 17 Jul 2024 21:41:47
Legal loopholes yet again favouring deeper pocketed owners .

It highlights the vast chasm between top 5-6 clubs and all rest

Also shows how silly anyone us to believe City will be punished anyway like we were.

5.) 17 Jul 2024 22:53:54
City will be relegated at least one division. What they are trying to do now is literally unbelievable.

6.) 18 Jul 2024 02:18:33
You reckon they will be relegated cork?

7.) 18 Jul 2024 08:20:42
Italian FA would've had em in Serie C by now.

8.) 18 Jul 2024 22:30:44
I reckon the EPL will demote them at least one division Aus.



16 Jul 2024 08:09:00
So looking at the squad of what we have at the moment - I still expect summerville to go and still not sure about the future of wober and Rasmus .


Dan James
Charlie Crew
Brendon Aaronson.


1.) 16 Jul 2024 08:54:55
If you take gnonto and cree out of that 11 the team is seriously weaker than last year. Piroe and Bamford are not good enough so at the very least we need more fire power. Rumoured Rutter on the wing. All up in the wings atm. Need to accept offers for Cree and gnonto for 40 and 25 and spend it asap.

2.) 16 Jul 2024 10:01:04
For me Aus it would be madness to let Cree and Willy go, especially Summerville, for what we can spend we will not get better than him in the Championship.
Some say he’s only a one dimensional goal scorer, not bad for 21 goals last season and player of the year I would say.
Look if someone wants to pay say 50+ Mil for him you can’t turn that down but the rewards of promotion and he is our star player, would far out way that extra 10Mil or so some club might want to pay for him.
Rutter, Cree and Willy are 100% keeps, it was bad enough losing Archie but we had to make that sacrifice to balance the books and the money made on him was very good considering he is still a young prospect all be it a very promising young prospect.

3.) 16 Jul 2024 15:49:51
Agree OP.

4.) 16 Jul 2024 16:36:47
Joseph to start over Piroe, let him get bedded in early.
Gruev to start in midfield 100%.



14 Jul 2024 14:43:41
Paddy McNair available on a free
I think with creswell and cooper going I'd snap him up.


1.) 14 Jul 2024 18:52:59
Agree Mighty, he'd be a useful signing for this season.



12 Jul 2024 20:27:57
Meslier apparently not going anywhere
Now I am a critic of him but let's be honest
If we were in the market for a keeper we would be saying " we need a keeper with championship experience and maybe premier league experience and a keeper that's won promotion before etc" then he would tick the boxes.


1.) 12 Jul 2024 20:41:46
Yep Mes has plenty of experience in both EPL and EFL of

- letting in first shot in goal
- conceding at his near post


Leeds need and deserve better.

2.) 12 Jul 2024 21:04:49
Baz You omitted the activation of his hologrammatic technology during play.

3.) 12 Jul 2024 21:06:04
The more experienced he's become, the worse he's got to some extent (stagnated is probably the better word) . It's a strange one.


4.) 12 Jul 2024 21:20:51
Dill Significant portion of the fault must lie with the goalkeeping coaching staff.

Have you communicated your recommendation to the relevant powers? OP?

5.) 12 Jul 2024 22:07:30
Repeating Meslier is crap is just a narrative on constant repeat and repeating even when some don’t even know what it means just because everyone else says the same.
I’ll be alone in saying I’m glad his staying as our, in my opinion, eventual world class keeper.

6.) 12 Jul 2024 22:52:15
Melbourne White, tomorrow Ascot - 16:07 - Lord Melbourne - 4/ 1 - just for you mate and for anyone else we have Georginio - Ascot - 14:57 - 12/ 1 each way bargain! ??.

7.) 12 Jul 2024 23:16:10
May I ask are you actually a real everyday person or some kind of odd ball who sits in his bedroom with his co.

8.) 13 Jul 2024 00:44:31
' eventual world class ' jeez

El Loco OP

not got a scooby doo.

9.) 13 Jul 2024 01:48:30
Cork If I'm in Shepherds Bush, I work well. Anywhere else then you're an oddball.

10.) 13 Jul 2024 03:32:36
Yeah he's definitely suffered through some bad coaching, George.

Just waiting back on an email from Mr Steinsson, lol.

11.) 13 Jul 2024 05:13:16
I'd hire and listen to you Dill.

12.) 13 Jul 2024 05:14:37
OP Meslier not even international class yet.

13.) 13 Jul 2024 06:35:40
OP no you not on your own I have always said think he should stay when there was talk of him going to dog poor mu.

14.) 13 Jul 2024 07:54:27
I’m glad Whiteman because the negativity towards Meslier in my opinion is definitely unwarranted and bizarrely way off the scales.
Baz, your sheep like views on football are of no surprise to me, you can tell Farke that he hasn’t got a Scooby Doo because he has already quoted that Mez shows qualities of a world class keeper but admits he is not the finished article yet.

The same narrative also goes for the reason he is "sub standard" is because of his goalkeeping coach or coaches, how does anyone even know that?
Who actually, in Auntie Baz’s words has a Scooby Doo about these coaches? Like they know everything about them. !

George as I’ve said before, most top quality keepers don’t come to their prime until they are 29/ 30 years old. Maignan, France’s keeper is 29, Mez at 24 is still gaining more experience and will in my estimation become Frances number one in the years to come.

I’m not expecting anyone to change their opinion of Meslier but in my opinion you’re all wrong about him.

15.) 13 Jul 2024 08:42:50
I guess is anecdotal with the coaches, OP. When he came he was a great prospect, made some progress early and then never really got rid of the flaws that have plagued him for a few seasons now. If it's not the coaches then it says something about his limitations. Got to be one or the other.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's poor by any means and we will be fine with him in net again this season, but I'm not seeing the progression expected of a keeper that has 5 seasons as a starter. We can sell him and get better, is what I assume most people feel like, myself included. But we don't NEED better to get promoted. It would be nice though.

I've banged this drum a few times but Anthony Pattterson is a better keeper than Mes and one stat that did stick out to me was the 8+ goal swing between them when comparing goals prevented - Patterson's 4.06 as opposed to Mes' -4.49. That's MASSIVE. How many more points we would have got exactly is hard to define with accuracy, but it would've been more than we got with Mes in net, that much is demonstrably true.

Patterson had a better saving percentage (69.23%) whilst dealing with exponentially more shots. He's superior at taking crosses or balls in the air. His positioning isn't unreliable and his distribution on chipped and longer passes are much better.

He's just a commanding and assured goalkeeper, which I don't really get that feeling from Meslier, unfortunately.

16.) 13 Jul 2024 08:57:28
Guillame Restes new wonderkid goalie out of Toulouse likely leapfrogs Meslier for France.

17.) 13 Jul 2024 09:10:44
Not on your own at all OP! In all aspects of your post!

18.) 13 Jul 2024 09:51:23
Good luck with the signing of Patterson Dill, he is as you say a quality young keeper with prospects like Mez. It looks more like he’ll become a number 2 or 3 keeper for a top flight club like Arsenal. Who can blame him or Sunderland to cash in.
Glad to hear that Bright ? there’s no need for this way over the top negativity towards Mez.

19.) 13 Jul 2024 09:54:44
Make a sentence from the following words. Says Dill What.

20.) 13 Jul 2024 10:26:19
Patterson will get a move to EPL club either this season or season after

Interesting how at present notva single club anywhere in world has made any ofer nor even interested in signing ": ( at some point) world class Mes " ??

Funny that ?.

21.) 13 Jul 2024 10:33:11
And. OP . Meslier won't get anywhere near France 1st team

Maignan and Samba locked in there and U21 gk Restes is rated highly . future number 1

Question for El Loco OP AND Brighty please could you list Meslier's goslkeeping strengths. things he does regularly well as a goalkeeper? ??.

22.) 13 Jul 2024 12:00:19
Pretty much answered that question in another post, in terms of how I rate him. Nowt more to add on yet another repetitive and boring subject.

23.) 13 Jul 2024 12:52:41
Brim full of attrubites then lol.

24.) 13 Jul 2024 13:15:47
Restes and Chevalier going to have France #1 and #2 locked up for years if they keep going how they're going.

Patterson could well go to the EPL now as a back up. Alternatively, he could be #1 for us and be an EPL starter next season. Sunderland ha e financial issues. What money we would get for Mes would cover cost of AP with change left over. Would need to sell him on the project and his pathway to being a Premier League starter. Doable imo.

25.) 13 Jul 2024 14:06:39
Good post Dill.

26.) 13 Jul 2024 17:15:58
George can’t be an oddball he make sense and posted some cracking post. and very informative they are you may not agree but there are many on here you may like to call them oddballs but definitely not George.

27.) 13 Jul 2024 17:27:26
Agreed Whitey
Georgey occasionally perhaps has a tad quirky humour that may or may not irk a few on here

But when it comes to very good logical posts he is right up there.

28.) 13 Jul 2024 18:27:11
Thanks ? Whitey and Baz. Appreciate that.

29.) 13 Jul 2024 19:15:18
You are welcome Georgey bro.

30.) 14 Jul 2024 05:10:58
Well, despite most opinions here, Mes did actually improve last year. No one can argue that (only Baz) . Hopefully he can show further improvement again this coming season. I’m for one happy he’s going no where.

We should congratulate him on his likely France international career since Baz saying he’ll get nowhere near is probably the best thing to happen to him.

Saying that, I’m still annoyed we let BP Farrel go!

31.) 14 Jul 2024 09:19:40
Ugh sigh Ani

Mes improved last season? Almost on a par with your wholly erroneous deeply silly unfounded suggestion that Ipswich had gone.

Not a chance that Gash Meslier becomes France Number 1 . not just my prediction but our poster of the season prediction Dill too ?

Who Dill also states that Meslier has either regressed or at very best case scenario plateaued. certainly not improved ?.

32.) 14 Jul 2024 11:15:30
True to type, I Knew you would disagree Baz. I also Knew that your broken record re Ipswich was still going around. Sadly everyone else on here hasn't the time to remind you of your erroneous predictions every post.

Only in your one-eyed world, is it possible that the team who has the most clean sheets, second lowest goals conceded has absolutely nothing to do with the keeper?

100% disagree with you Baz, and if it's the case, I disagree with Dill. The fact that the posts here, complaining about Mes were virtually non-existent last season says it all.

33.) 14 Jul 2024 13:06:52
Err Ani NOT just Dill and I

the following posters definitely complained about tne serious deficiencies of Mes last season

Cork, George, Class, Dill, Woody, Dougie myself . that's 7 posters

Pretty sure many others did too

Sorry to rain on your misguided parade ?

Give it up fella . its over.

34.) 14 Jul 2024 13:25:17
George your post Speak for themselves but you are more than welcome.




Mightywrighty's rumour replies


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14 Jul 2024 09:23:33
I like Kamara but all I’m saying is there isn’t room for the 4 of them
Especially with strujk now going to CB that means Ampadu likely to play in midfield and Aaronson coming back as well something has to give.




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29 Jun 2024 17:22:05
My confidence in the 49ers stewardship of this club is dwindling.




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29 Jun 2024 17:21:19
Baz sounds like he’s having a medical done




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02 Jun 2024 05:18:56
Journos saying Gilchrist going to be made available for loan.




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01 Feb 2024 14:40:17
If creswell isn’t showing the right attitude then I’d rather sell.





Mightywrighty's banter replies


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21 Jul 2024 16:11:56
I can’t imagine he would join us over a premier league club or how we can compete on the wages either.




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16 Jul 2024 08:15:15
The Onana deal didn’t get them much profit about he cost £35m plus a 20% sell on clause

but also selling branthwaite will likely give them some money available as he will be all profit so that should put them in a position to buy Gnonto

Personally I’d rather if we do sell he goes to Newcastle.




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04 Jul 2024 07:27:22
Well that’s true baz ?.




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03 Jul 2024 19:16:25
My memory maybe blurred with alcohol consumption over the last 6 years but do we think TC had a fair crack at the whip?




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03 Jul 2024 07:24:57
