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18 Jan 2022 22:20:31
Question Ed, wondering why a few of my replies aren't showing up? Have I done something wrong?


{Ed033's Note - You're good to go, i think every reply is now posted.



23 Jul 2021 11:23:35
Why do you guys think of the new kit? Been officially released for a few days, and no mention of it? I like the design, not to sure on the yellow trim. Looking forward to seeing the new away kits too.


1.) 23 Jul 2021 12:23:25
I love the new shirt including the yellow trim.

2.) 23 Jul 2021 12:26:00
I like the training kit.

3.) 23 Jul 2021 13:20:19
I would go for the GK home shirt, think it will be a big seller.

4.) 23 Jul 2021 13:27:36
I got the warm up quarter zip and also the mint green quarter zip. Both good for work.

5.) 23 Jul 2021 14:05:16
I feel that the new home kit looks better significantly being worn than just hanging up as per the earlier pictures of it.

6.) 23 Jul 2021 14:50:07
Don’t give a rubbish about fashion.
All about football for me.

7.) 23 Jul 2021 14:51:30
All the above a wind up right?

8.) 24 Jul 2021 10:19:20
Yes I agree Clue definitely looks better on. Love the new keeper top tho 😍.



10 Feb 2021 16:20:47
While at work today, I was thinking of what signings would take our team to the next level. I was thinking of the perfect guy to give Klich competition. I was thinking of Julian Draxler, his contract is up at the end of the season and he can play there. He's also tall, and with Bielsa's guidance, maybe could fill that void. He also said in the summer that he was tempted to join in the summer, so who's to say he won't join this summer. Will be an interesting signing if we get him, and a statement of intent if we were to get him.


1.) 10 Feb 2021 17:29:13
Wouldn't be dissappointed to see his name on the team sheet. His salary could be a stretch but he could pay that back with points.

2.) 10 Feb 2021 17:37:11
Would be a good acquisition for you, will help fill in for raphinnha, I heard him and Harrison are coming to villa to play European football😛.

3.) 10 Feb 2021 17:54:08
Err ye Whacky Backy lame ye attempt of ye wind up, ye Vile are 9th there is more chance of ye emigrating to Europe next season than seeing ye Vile qualify for ye Europe🤣😉.

4.) 10 Feb 2021 18:00:41
Good player but I think a left back has to be a priority not overly sure who but Simone like Rico Henry.

5.) 10 Feb 2021 18:16:39
Henry is my choice.

6.) 10 Feb 2021 19:14:26
Well if Villa cough up the £200mill required it will be tough to turn it down.

7.) 10 Feb 2021 19:40:34
Rico Henry is pure pie in the sky talk, as Brentford look like they will get automatic promotion ; they certainly won't be selling Rico Henry.

8.) 10 Feb 2021 19:55:59
Left back wise that Romain Perraud looks like the main option. Similar running stats to Gianni, but a definite upgrade.

9.) 10 Feb 2021 23:29:03
Lol baz your not biting on that one😀 couldn’t rule it out yet mate were 9th with 2 games in hand on the top 6, 2 wins would put us 4th. your not that far off yourselves, anything could happen this season. raph is going to be some player, I actually hope he stays with you and not go to the big 6, that’s the problem with these foreign players they don’t have the loyalty like grealish or Philips, if a big club is sniffing around then most of the time they get heads turned and stick in a transfer request. am I right in thinking Harrison is on loan from city?

10.) 11 Feb 2021 04:45:40
Henry has played more games at Lb in a weaker league and has less goals and assists at LB than Dallas and less goals than Alioski.
0 goals 2 assists in 46 last season. Don't see why everyone is so keen, not what we need.

11.) 11 Feb 2021 05:04:54
Whacky Backy may I recommend Vienna or Prague for your emigration 😂😃

As for Harrison, he is into his 3rd year at Leeds, with Leeds having the option to buy at the end of this season for £10 million.

12.) 11 Feb 2021 07:45:42
I agree. Phillips and grealish are loyal but that will only last for so long without silverware or euro football.
Think grealish time nearly up and Phillips without either will prob want move on in two years.
As for foreigners. Again you are right. They haven’t the loyalty of English. As brill as raph is and as much as we wouldn’t sell him. A big big offer and his head will go and we may as well sell him. Hope to get another season first.

13.) 11 Feb 2021 18:19:05
Yeh I agree mate we need 1 or the other to keep our best players, baz I know it would break your heart but we have a good shout still for top 6 or 7, the next month wil tell a lot for those clubs just outside the top 6. even if we don’t get Europe this year I think jack will stay, if not it’s going to take a ridiculous offer for our owners to sell him after signing a 5 year deal this year, there’s a 200k per week contract in the pipeline for him right now, if we get a European spot there’s no way he’ll leave this year, it’s going to be interesting this year to see how much money clubs will spend, everyone was pretty cautious in January. so u guys think u can turnover arsenal?



05 Feb 2021 11:00:57
Hi boys, here's a question. Since Bielsa has came in, many players have came and went, and the people who stayed have came on leaps and bounds. But what I want to talk about, is the Phillips Vieira comparison. If Phillips was the one to go instead of Vieira, do you think Vieira would've become an England international, like Kalvin. I know what bermo would think haha.


1.) 05 Feb 2021 11:12:15
I rated Viera highly but it’s a question that we will never have an answer too. At the time I would of said viera was better than Phillips which is why we got good money for him.

2.) 05 Feb 2021 12:57:41
Think Ronnie showed a great deal of promise and may possibly have been better than Kalvin he’s certainly much more mobile than kalvin and I believe it was his athleticism and potential that helped realise such a high fee.

Does not explain why Ronnie has not come to the fore since though or why bigger moves have not materialised it may actually turn out that the highest transfer fee realised for Ronnie was the money we got, which let's be honest we desperately needed at the time, now look at us?

A bigger shame for me was losing Lewis Cook, I think under Bielsa’s guidance he could be as good as any young English midfielder in the Country.

3.) 05 Feb 2021 13:33:11
Neither Vieira nor Cook appear to have pushed on. Vieira on loan, not playing much, Cook back in tbe Championship.

Also I know they are CDMs but just 1 goal for Viera and 2 for Cook in their careers is well below par.

4.) 05 Feb 2021 14:39:49
To be fair Kalvin goals record is actually not much better. The original post posed the question was Ronnie better?

At the time he was, but then Lewis Cook was given his first team debut before Kalvin so for the club, therefore, at that time he was assessed ahead of Kalvin.

Afterwards comparisons become very difficult as Ronnie and Lewis playing higher level of football than Kalvin but appearances opportunities would have been greatly reduced to Kalvin at Leeds.

I still maintain technically Lewis was most gifted but then Kalvin met Bielsa and well we know the rest from there.,

5.) 05 Feb 2021 15:49:21
My original question, do you think Ronnie would’ve became an England international, like Kalvin.

6.) 05 Feb 2021 16:41:39
No I do not believe Ronnie would have, but not sure Kalvin would have without Bielsa and this role, I actually believe if someone paid a massive amount of money for Kalvin he would not seem anything like as good.

7.) 05 Feb 2021 17:48:45
Very different players

Worth noting that belisa didn’t want veria to go and at that time viera was the one wanted by the bigger clubs and the England international and not Phillips

That said Phillips has come on leaps and bounds while viera hasn’t. I think he would of under belisa but then anyone comes on under belisa that is what belisa does better than anyone he gets players and improves them

To be honest i think it comes down to what you want Phillips is the better passer and class act in that way veria will cover more ground and do a far better defensive job

But like compareing carrick to batty.

8.) 05 Feb 2021 17:49:26
Yes, that’s my point. Kalvin, under bielsa, has changed his position, made it his own, and now is a full England international. I preferred Kalvin to Ronnie, but with bielsa’s training, who’s to say he wouodnt of became an England international aswell.

9.) 05 Feb 2021 21:25:51
I think everyone Bielsa has wanted who has listened and taken his philosophy on board have got better by a couple of levels.
Viera if committed would also have done. I think the talent was certainly there that he could have been an international by now.
Wasnt he rated as one of the worlds top 10 prospects at the time?
We will never know of course but to me I'd take him back for the right price.

10.) 06 Feb 2021 08:05:46
Views could have made international but the move was bad for him. Limited playing time and stunted development just when he needed to push on and get game time. Unfortunately we were desperate for money at that time and we couldn't turn that fee down.



19 Dec 2020 08:32:13
A post for VD, in regards to your comment on Leeds being universally hated and not liked. Bermo was right, people around 50+ do hate Leeds, and people around my age, 21, do like Leeds cause of our scintillating football and our maverick of a manager. I'm from West Sussex near brighton and had to put up with all sorts of rubbish, with most my friends being Chelsea, Liverpool and man United fans. But now, only the older generation hates Leeds, and the younger generation admire us. Plus, never seen a villa fan in the wild, do they actually exist? Just curious.


1.) 19 Dec 2020 10:40:18
Good post dlLUFC4.

2.) 19 Dec 2020 13:00:22
dil, another unfortunate abbreviation, still won`t go there. I will satisfy your curiosity dil, we are out there fella, loads of us, we have a huge fan base as you well know, but we are not wild, also we are voted by many as some of the best travelling fans.
But I tend to agree about the 50+ age thing, but the Leeds sides under Revie were very special, and just as cavalier as Leeds today.

Footnote: I notice your still there again Mr BV.

3.) 19 Dec 2020 13:37:41
Yes indeedy Brummie Dave 😀.

4.) 19 Dec 2020 15:43:57
why would BV not be on his own clubs page?

for the record I liked villa growing up, les sealey was a great keeper and playing in goal I always liked teams with good keepers, Tony Daley was also class and exciting and for me should of played more

now I repect the villa manager for the job he has done, I love Grealish as a top top player. just can't get over the dirty double standards of us giving a goal to you and boss saying right thing to do, yet the mistake with goal line technology not doing the same thing. you should of gone down and fair play for being dirty S""Gs but you must admit it was a proper S"""gy thing to do.

5.) 19 Dec 2020 17:29:35
VillaDave We are hated but it's more of a jealousy. Everyone knows Leeds fans have more soul passion and decency than other fans. No other stadium produces the cauldron effect like Elland Road. We were the club who were instrumental in turning the 70s era into something of a golden age for viewing football. We were the first ever club recorded to showboat during a league game. We are a very nice city and don't share the burgeoning social problems seen across the Pennines. We are also centre of the Universe and capital of best county in world. No wonder we're hated!

6.) 19 Dec 2020 17:35:22
Now that is a good post Berm, and I thank you for it.
That episode in that game has long gone, Beilsa did what he thought was right, a Brave man.
It all comes down to morals, and how it all unfolded, it was always going to be controversial.

The fact is it happened, right or wrong its gone and it can not be changed, let it go there are far better things to talk about.
I also agree on the Sheffield game, a perfectly good goal was scored, and if that was allowed we should have gone down.

VAR was also proved after games, to have robbed us of 7 points, 2 wins and a draw, so what else can I say.

7.) 20 Dec 2020 08:48:57
Biesla was 100% wrong to concede that goal but I expect var evens out over 2-3 years.




dlLUFC4's rumour replies


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14 Jul 2024 20:43:02
Graham Smyth says another midfielder to come in, Rothwell the gray replacement.




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12 Jul 2024 09:10:48
Remember without Rothwell we only have 3 midfielders since Gray has left. Rothwell is the Gray replacement I imagine.




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06 Jan 2024 14:55:16
You mean the athletico Madrid full back? No chance he joins us.




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01 Sep 2023 17:18:36
The Leeds reporters have said there’s no deal there. Smyth and hay.




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31 Aug 2023 22:51:19
Genuinely don’t think we need a 10, Farke has said he likes Summerville there and last game we had piroe and Rutter rotating in that role.





dlLUFC4's banter replies


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14 Jan 2024 14:42:09
Piroe was the wrong kind of striker for that kind of position, his pressing isn’t good enough to lead a line, so him as a secondary striker or a 10 makes sense. Or him and Georgie interchanging.




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14 Jan 2024 12:58:23
Playing piroe in his incorrect position, even though he was our second top goal scorer behind Cry. I bet as soon as piroe does start games upfront, we lose was georgi brings upfront, i.e. his pressing ability, which piroe doesn’t have, and also the reason Bamford is doing so well.

We are, I believe, the highest in the league in counter attacking goals, when a lot of our goals come from high turnovers, which is created by winning the ball high up the pitch, being from Georgie, cry, or James.

Also, positions piroe scores his goals from last season were from deeper positions, so goals from late runs into the box, kind of like what a 10 would do. And the top goal scorer of the division last season was Gyokeres not piroe. I get the frustrations in piroe not starting upfront, but I think we would also lose a lot of off the ball work if he was to go upfront.

What goes unseen, is piro’s runs in behind a defender, where a player may not pick him out, this isn’t his fault, as he didn’t get service. Anyway, sorry for the long reply Aus, but I don’t think it’s as black and white as you think.




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07 Jan 2024 10:14:04
Mate, patience, unlike our previous regimes, the 49ers tend to keep cards close to the chest. There will be movement I imagine.




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04 Jan 2024 07:32:55
Seriously think any of the players you mentioned would drop to the championship?




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28 Sep 2023 08:56:38
The kit was orange wasn’t it? Only photo I’ve seen of it was bremner in it with the owl on the front. I think this was the kit. But maybe it was earlier.