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10 May 2024 09:59:19
How do we feel about the situation with Jimmy and Joel?
If its true should they still be playing as it is clearly affecting the Team?

For me I would leave them both out as it is side before self everytime

Thoughts please?

Agree0 Disagree0

10 May 2024 10:15:18
What situation?

10 May 2024 10:18:20
Sorry, I have missed this. What situation Coxy?

10 May 2024 10:23:26
I’m not sure what the story is about with these two players, if any? Certainly there was was a disagreement on who should have taken that penalty but if there is any bad feelings between these two they much get rid of it immediately or at least put it to the side for the sake of this promotion play off.

As in normal life like you and I, not everyone sees everything eye to eye and some take it a step further.
If there is any truth about a falling out it’s up to Farke as their manager to sort it out.

As for leaving them out of the match day squad, absolutely not.

10 May 2024 13:31:40
Whatever. Drop piroe. Unfortunately played out of position means he has not contributed as much as Jimmy. No brainer. Not piroes fault but we need our best 11.

10 May 2024 13:39:54
Piroe taking pens since start of season (and hadnt missed any too should add ) . so evidently the official pen taker

So outrageous that ' all about me " CS should then wrestle and snatch the ball off him for his own personal glory and disturb team harmony

Weak captaincy. CS should never have been allowed to do so

Weak DF too.

10 May 2024 14:16:14
That’s being presumptuous Baz, we have no idea at all what goes on behind the scenes, if anything at all. It could be simply a made up story to stir up us Leeds fans and they love to do that, don’t they?!

10 May 2024 14:47:33
"we have no idea at all what goes on behind the scenes, if anything at all" LMAO ???.

10 May 2024 14:56:15
Nothing to do with stats baz. You going with opinions on this.
Run goals assists or scored by min. Back yourself you hound dog.

10 May 2024 14:57:19
What happened ? on the pitch was not a gòod look by CS and had never happened before in 60 years at Leeds United

The only person who liked what CS did on this forum was you OP ?

Since that game Leeds have fallen off a cliff

Nothing presumptuous at all about it.

10 May 2024 15:32:29
Stats Aus?
Most relevant current stat is 8 points in 8 games since CS wrestling show.

10 May 2024 19:47:53
Lol Baz. Cry has carried the team many times this season so he can have all the leeway he wants for me. Let Piroe moan about it until he's blue in the face, I'm taking Cry over him any day of the week and twice on Sundays. Without Cry we'd legitimately be in trouble, simple as that.

Don't care what it looks like to fans thinking he's got some attitude problem (I personally think it's confidence given he was on fire that game) if he turns up and contributes more than pretty much everyone else.

Doesn't really seem like an issue to me. Some of the best players in the world are selfish, so don't even see that as a particularly bad trait, just shows a desire to be the best they can be. Not exactly like it was a detriment to the team either, he scored. We won.

10 May 2024 21:18:51
But when it mattered most Dill . Cre is off it .

10 May 2024 21:33:29
Everyone's been off it recently, but him the least. He's still scoring and assisting and is the one who always looks most likely to do something for us, even when we're playing sh! te. If he hadn't been playing then we'd look even worse going forward. So yeah, he gets a pass from me.

10 May 2024 22:55:26
What Dillinger said here

As bad as we were ( woeful )

Without Jimmy, that woeful sinks even deeper ?

Jimmy won't be here next season imo.

11 May 2024 01:23:57
Normally when a supposed best player leaves it hurts a lot

Giles, Currie for starters

Summerville lesving not bothered one iota by.

11 May 2024 04:12:23
Leif Davis goes when he wasn't even a starter or really in the squad "oh no we've lost 17 assists a season. absolutely woeful"

Cry who's scored 20 and assisted 10 "meh not bothered about losing 30 goal involvements"

Gimme a break, mate.

11 May 2024 10:59:21
Spot on Dill! It’s all about what suits the agenda of the moment, and said agenda can also be changed at any moment. And even if it does, at least Walter Mitty will just nod and agree, and say he said it 10years ago.

11 May 2024 13:21:33

11 May 2024 15:51:35

Big, big, big difference though

1) Leeds would be suitably recompensed to get somewhere between £ 35 million to £40 million to strengthen a team CAM CF

2) Davis was given away for peanuts anf left us with EPL relegation fodder Firpo

3) Davis is a team player side before self . Summerville is not

4) Easy on the hyperbole agenda nonsense Bright.

11 May 2024 15:52:54
Georgey ?☺. awful stinking habit.

11 May 2024 16:18:55
I think we could replace Cry if it came to it, but he'd still be a massive loss for us and I'd be against him leaving whatever division we end up in.

Well we were suitably compensated for Davis AT THE TIME, unless you can also predict the future and knew he'd get 40 assists over the next two years. He wasn't even really in the first team squad for us, so how much should we realistically have got for a player with 12 bit part appearances for the first team?

Already made my thoughts known on players deemed more selfish. Non issue for me if they're producing the goods, which Cry more than has this season.

11 May 2024 17:50:54
Dill at the time £ 1 million was fricking peanuts .

Its documented on this forum at the time that BOTH George and I said Leeds would deeply regret this sale of LD.

11 May 2024 18:58:03
Baz Was actually around £1.5M. The giveaway as to why the sale was daft was threefold:

1. Bub rated him.
2. Pace.
3. Scousers were rumoured to have bid £4M for him season before his departure.

Recent sales of youngsters I have not enjoyed - Davis, Huggins and Dean.



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