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03 Jun 2024 21:23:14
Potentially unpopular opinion
I would take Leeds getting promoted next season over England winning euros every day of the week
When it comes to football club before country every time.

{Ed033's Note - Faction Before Blood, yeah? :)

Agree4 Disagree0

03 Jun 2024 22:30:52
I find your opinion strange but it’s your opinion. Maybe England as a once great nation is gone? I mean the people no longer make her a great country.
Everybody for themselves.

I remember watching international tournaments when it really mattered but now most don’t really care.

Ok I’m sounding like Aus now while waiting for my driver after a proper weekend of what I’m too old to do but still do. Time to go home n face the music.

03 Jun 2024 23:37:38
Mighty, totally agree but I kind of wish I didn't if that makes sense?

Cork, I was brought up in the Keegan, Robson, Francis etc time when watching England as a child was an almost magical experience.

Sadly I just don't feel that passion for England anymore. Is it too many tournament disappointments, frustration with the 'new' England we are living in, a disconnect between footballers and society in general?

Who knows, if you'd told a ten year old me that I wouldn't even bother watching England play then that 10 yr old wouldn't have believed it.

I'd go as far as saying if there was no England team then i'd be okay with that. Thankfully I still feel the passion about LUFC and long may that continue.

04 Jun 2024 03:38:36
Euros 1996 " It's Coming home " cool vibe tourno was the LAST International tournament I was genuinely excited by!

Most memorable best tourno from England perspective WC 1966 obviously!

Best quality tourno side arguably 1970 WC winning side Brazil

Most underated exciting tourno was WC 1978 in Argentina.

Worst ever tourno was WC in 1994 . in USA. awful and dull!


04 Jun 2024 05:51:03
Mexico, in ‘86 I think (? ) was my favourite, Spain the tourno before, then Italia 90. I also agree Mighty. It used to be the pinnacle of anyone’s career to represent their country at a major tournament.

If that is still the case, then the players certainly hide it well, although there are a few who you can tell still see it as such. The loss of that passion, maybe diluted by so many pointless friendlies, makes it all a bit boring imo. The likes of Pearce, Butcher, Robson etc looked like they would rather cark it than lose!

The whole game has changed so much that I do find watching internationals tedious; it’s all too plodding and slow, in comparison to League matches; maybe that’s another contributing factor?

Gimme a fantastic, rousing LUFC season, with record goals scored, and a new points tally record to boot over an England Euro success.

04 Jun 2024 07:46:41
Euro 96. Watched every game. Belter of a tournament. Proper attacking football. If he’d spat at me I’d have decked him and Pavarotti I believe or is age getting better of my memory.

04 Jun 2024 08:29:44
Italy v Brazil in Spain 82 was a fantastic game.

04 Jun 2024 09:34:35
Club before Country every time shouldn't even be issue Leeds United Forever.

04 Jun 2024 10:12:55
For me it was Euro 96 and France 98. Born in 66 so can't remember that.

Best international moment Beckams free kick against Greece.

Although i must admit the last world cup was very good also.

04 Jun 2024 10:20:35
My thinking is that during the season there is only one team to support, one team I am only interested in, domestically (I am Leeds) BUT when there is a British team (of any colour) versus Johnny Foreigner then, I am British, the UK gets my full undivided support (for just 90 mins mind) . My chest puffs out when we have the best team in Europe or the best team in the world. It reflects on all of us. We are doing something right. That applies to any sport. I will have the same Bulldog spirit come the Olympics. We can't have any country beating the Brits, just not right. Should not be allowed
They are even coming over here taking our cheese rolling crown. That's the thin end of the wedge!

{Ed001's Note - I doubt a wedge would roll very well.}

04 Jun 2024 11:11:11
Agreed LUFCfeath that Brazil vs Italy game in 82 was fab .

as was the France vs Germany semi final in same tourno.

05 Jun 2024 07:22:02
Even tho I attended the group matches at Wembley, and it was a home tourney, I still oddly don’t put ‘96 right up there with those I mentioned above. We were great at the time, and that should have been the tournament we won, with THAT team, but I don’t think the overall quality stands out versus other competitions.

05 Jun 2024 10:32:21
I totally agree about the QUALITY of football in Euro 96 not being there in comparison to some other tournos

What really made that tourno from an England perspective

was the undoubted HUGE excitement, atmosphere and vibe throughout the vast majority of the country

from being at home againb in a tourno after 3 decades with huge anticipation of being home champions AGAIN.

05 Jun 2024 11:26:08
Can’t argue with that Baz; it really did lift the whole country, and certainly the Wembley atmosphere was outstanding. Would love us to host one of the big two again! I would definitely be on the plane to watch a couple of games!



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