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06 Jun 2024 17:43:40
De-Cordova Reid at Fulham is allegedly on our radar. I have always rated him. If we lose Gnonto, he could do a job for us. Anyone agree?


1.) 06 Jun 2024 19:10:44
Totally. He can play in many positions and gets goals. I actually like him at RB especially at championship level.

2.) 06 Jun 2024 21:51:19
Cork Please will you permit me to watch him play through your eyes? ? As only then will I have seen him play. Fulham and Craven Cottage off limits to a real Yorkshireman. Help me out.

3.) 07 Jun 2024 06:14:15
Feath, Cork, yep. definitely would be a very good, astute signing. Astute as he will be out of contract, but definitely fits the bill based on what Marathe and Farke want.
Yes, he’s 31, but he can definitely do another 3 years.

4.) 07 Jun 2024 13:34:03
come on George, as if you ever make it to ER let alone stadia in London! Or do you mean on the TV?



16 Jan 2024 20:13:30
A new contract till 2028 for Archie Gray. Excellent news!




01 Sep 2023 15:59:07
Sinisterra off to Bournemouth on loan.


1.) 01 Sep 2023 16:20:12
Strange one. Club says only sell for £40m?

2.) 01 Sep 2023 16:44:02
How are we allowing this - is this still a clause thing or have Bournemouth offered a ridiculous loan fee? given it's the last day of window surely the latter.

Not that I want players to stay if they don't want to be here but I expected a permanent deal and money in the bank with the ability to spend to bring in a left back and cam.

3.) 01 Sep 2023 16:50:46
Leeds have said there is no deal.

4.) 01 Sep 2023 17:14:05
?? reporter says Sini will be in London to finalize move this evening.

5.) 01 Sep 2023 17:17:35
Only “interest” so far.
If Iraola wanted to have Sini play for him, he shouldn’t have turned down a real club like us. Sini would love to play home games in front of a crowd akin to Harrogate town, I’m sure. No doubt Adams has had something to say on this one.

6.) 01 Sep 2023 17:18:36
The Leeds reporters have said there’s no deal there. Smyth and hay.

7.) 01 Sep 2023 18:06:52
Here we don't go.

8.) 01 Sep 2023 21:04:50
Dammit. He is in London now for a medical! Phew tho! Elastic bands for ligaments and tendons will be found for sure! And that bit a chuddy holding his ankle on!



10 Aug 2023 19:34:54
Rumours Sinisterra has got a knock on his knee.


1.) 10 Aug 2023 19:46:41
Surprise surprise.

2.) 10 Aug 2023 21:12:14
Apparently had it prior to Shrewsbury (probably from during Cardiff game) and Farke would rather have not played him at all on Wednesday night.

3.) 11 Aug 2023 07:30:52
I'm not sure a contact sport is a good fit for Sini.

4.) 11 Aug 2023 10:07:26
Have sini + Brokenford some undiagnosed degenerative issue?

It's incredible how prone they are.

5.) 11 Aug 2023 12:59:33
They probably have an injury clause in there contract, treble wages if injured,

6.) 11 Aug 2023 14:12:43
Think vid has Bamford, sini and foreshore in his dream team.



17 Jul 2023 22:22:06
Reporting that the takeover is done!





LUFCfeath's banter posts with other poster's replies to LUFCfeath's banter posts


20 Jul 2024 09:01:28
A decent work out last night with encouraging performances by
Debayo, Gelhart, Crew and a fine goal by Chambers. Also Harry Gray looked comfortable when he got on. Stand outs for me were, Firpo, Ampadu, Rutter and James, but everyone put a decent shift in. Darlow was a bit iffy though with his distribution. Fitness levels looked good and I didn't notice any major injury issues. Ampadu was holding his hamstring a bit after a strong tackle, but he did carry on. One slight criticism, not shooting when opportunities arose.


1.) 20 Jul 2024 09:50:56
Debayo wasn't that convincing, for me, tbf. Looked a bit wary of playing vertical passes. An awful lot of lateral passes to Rodon unless there was an easy forward pass on. Also some miscommunication issues on a through ball, but he managed to recover. Good he got minutes in tho. Some things to work on for the young lad.

2.) 20 Jul 2024 12:04:05
Debayo was a weakish link . not ready

DJ man of match in most websites.

3.) 20 Jul 2024 12:59:15
YEP gave some insane match ratings out last night. Guy that gave em needs his mince pies testing ?.



19 Jul 2024 15:23:34
I will be there tonight, looking forward to see how we do. The main thing with friendlies is to get through with no injuries, and hopefully signs that the squad is in good shape fitness wise.


1.) 19 Jul 2024 16:03:48
Do you remember when teams recruitment agenda was to buy to build for the future, like you get players in with the intention that they will be with you through promotions and beyond, but not now with loans underlining that fact. I know it’s part of the recruiting now but if you have five players on loan and you nurture them and adapt them to how we play and they help get you promoted then they go back and you have to start all over again!, all that time and energy making them better players (just like White) and off they go back to their parent clubs, I really have not liked the way the game has been going for years now. No more loyalty, no more hard arse players, no more pure passion that comes from loving the team you’re playing for.
When we invested through that novice team of idiot Orta and Radz, we employed ship jumpers who threw down their boots and walked away, even though it was their fault we were relegated and our regime made it even easier for them to leave by including ridiculous clauses in their contracts, it’s that and how players don’t care anymore that disappoints me and thank god we have owners that are more savvy in running a football club. ?.

2.) 19 Jul 2024 16:36:18
Fully concur and empathise Woody

For me I lurve my club but I very rarely feel like emotionally attaching to players.

Last one I truly loved was King Pablo

Kind of have a soft spot for DJ of course.

3.) 19 Jul 2024 16:46:37
You know what Baz I didn’t think of the attachment that we used to have with players, you are so right and mine was without a doubt Gary Speed, and more lately Luke Ayling but no one since as they don’t seem to want to stay for long enough to become icons do they? I do like Georginio and DJ, Georginio gets us while DJ is a grafter not like Gnonto, but yes fully agree Baz ??.

4.) 19 Jul 2024 16:55:33
I remember coming in from school, grabbing my football and running straight down to the football field where I used to be 90 mile an hour Lorimer then in my early 20’s it was the man mountain Vinnie Jones.
I went back to my old home just recently and the football field is still there with goals still up but sadly no one on it, and speaking to an old friend he said no one plays on it anymore and it’s getting turned into a basketball court! It’s all very sad nowadays eh FIFA 24 rules now! ?.

5.) 19 Jul 2024 17:14:48
A basketball court?! Ugh.

6.) 19 Jul 2024 18:37:44
Top post Woody.



19 Jul 2024 08:27:31
Three weeks to the Pompey game and only two new additions. For me, next week will be crucial, signings need to come in so they have a couple of weeks to get up to speed with the way we are going to play. Last seasons indifferent start proved to be very costly, it cannot happen again.


1.) 19 Jul 2024 09:19:31
100% agree with you feath.

2.) 19 Jul 2024 09:33:21
Quite agree Feath. Those first 5/ 6 weeks at the beginning of last season ultimately cost us. I was hoping that this year we would have had all our transfer activity wrapped up well in advance - and as you say, next week is looking crucial as we need to ship out those who want away (or are wanted by other clubs) and bring in those we need so they all have time to settle in.

As is often said on this site, ‘why do we never get our business done early’? Appreciate there are a myriad of reasons why this doesn’t happen but just for once wouldn’t it be nice to sit back and relax knowing we’ve got the squad we want all in place!

Fingers crossed for a heady week of positive activity :)

3.) 19 Jul 2024 10:48:41
Think you answered your question Cleggy with appreciating that there are a myriad of reasons why it doesn’t happen that way.

4.) 19 Jul 2024 11:48:12
Buy Smodzics in the last hour of the window and I would imagine all would be forgiven.

5.) 19 Jul 2024 12:21:35
Unlikely signing Sammi Smozidics.

Ipswich perhaps.

6.) 19 Jul 2024 12:22:36
Szmodics would be a good addition but doubt Blackburn will let him go for anything less than double his value. He’s got another 2 years on his contract with an additional one year.
I’m surprised no lower end Prem club hasn’t made an offer.
Hoping Bogle signing will be completed the end of this week. ?

7.) 19 Jul 2024 14:14:40
Ive got Szmodics pegged as like a more mobile Piroe. Both play in a position we don't really cater to.
Plus he's going to be 29 soon. First time he's ever had a good season at this level in his 11th season playing first team football. He's not shown anything consistent season to season. Flash in the pan, who wouldn't fit our system anyway. No ta.

He had a great season fwiw, but he's really not a good fit for us.

8.) 19 Jul 2024 14:41:06
Flash in the pan Sammi
Love it Dill

Keep that quiet Dill. Chris Chris thinks Szomdics is all that.

9.) 19 Jul 2024 16:44:48
I actually think he's a pretty good player, but he's system specific. If anyone expects him to replicate this season at us then they'd sadly be mistaken as we don't play a system that would show his best assets. He needs bodies around him constantly within 10 yards. Two up top so he can sit behind and exchange passes or playing touch tight with a lone striker. Neither of which are what we do.

He's got a tireless work ethic and likes to drop deep as well to collect the ball, but I feel, like I said before, he reminds me of Piroe in that he'd be another square peg and we'd have to try shoe horn him into a position that wouldn't benefit him or us.

10.) 19 Jul 2024 16:47:03
This season has been serendipity for him playing at Blackburn as they play to his strengths.

11.) 19 Jul 2024 17:24:29
Smozdics is double the player Dan is anyday Baz.

12.) 19 Jul 2024 19:17:24
Your boy Sammi was better last season Chrissy . but as Dill aludes to . he is a one season wonder ?.



15 Jul 2024 15:46:03
The Blunts seem confident about signing O'Hare. I was hoping we might get him but it doesn't look like it. Disappointing.


1.) 15 Jul 2024 17:02:56
Right here we go…. Why is Sky News dominating their news program with the England team sat on runway waiting to get off the plane?, cameras, interviews and cheers forthcoming, Why?
We lost and as Baz said earlier in a post, England were lucky, very lucky to get that far!
Those players got to a final, and after riding their luck throughout they should have gone all out for this, maybe a once in a lifetime opportunity, but they bottled it, Southgate bottled it!
It’s ok saying Spain were better, even though they were, they shouldn’t have been! England are and have been frightened to go for a win for the fear of losing, it is so annoying to watch, how many times are we going to do this to ourselves, how many chances do we need before the penny drops?, is it not better going for it from the off?, is it not better to lose 3-0 while playing brilliant instead of losing 2-1 playing the negative game we do?,
Stop congratulating failure, right from grass roots, STOP IT! I went to my grandsons sports day and I was astonished, firstly I was asked not to shout out to him!, I shouted come on mate you are doing really well, one last push!, then I said the taboo word, you can WIN this mate come on!, Mr Wood, there are no winners or losers at this sports day in any competition so please stop shouting encouragement and promoting that a winning mentality is the be all and end all! In response I asked why there were trophies, she replied, they are for everyone to share! , what is it coming to?
So now I totally understand why we don’t win anything, it seems it’s ok to come last, second, third etc etc!
Losing has no place in my life, you celebrate winning not losing, I know I’m probably wrong in a lot of your eyes and I’m sorry if you think that, but next time we lose, look at yesteryear’s winners and todays losers, Baz and George will wholeheartedly tell you the difference between them! .
Sorry for the rant, and I’m sorry if I’ve upset anyone with this, it is just my opinion ? ??.

2.) 15 Jul 2024 18:02:55
A very ? good and fair post Woody.

Home schooling ? seems more and more preferable to the current "educators" that exist in some parts of this world

Big sigh ?.

3.) 15 Jul 2024 18:08:44
Only thing I disagree with in that rant Woody, is Southgate bottling it.
Rest is spot on! Play to win, compete to win. If that isn’t the objective, then don’t bother turning up!

4.) 15 Jul 2024 18:32:00
Hope gate goes south for all I care.

5.) 15 Jul 2024 19:04:02
Well said Brighty, the Southgate comment was out of frustration mate, you’re right he didn’t bottle it but his naivety in turning games around and changing things did cost us, but hey ho it’s done now, it’s down to Leeds United to make us smile again so bring on the new season. Good comments Baz and I totally agree, thanks fella's. ??.

6.) 15 Jul 2024 20:02:55
Signing for Sheff over Leeds is ? mental decision.

7.) 15 Jul 2024 20:34:18
We don't know Leeds were in for him though Dill. We probably weren't with Aaronson returning.

8.) 15 Jul 2024 21:09:36
Totally agree Dilli ?.

9.) 15 Jul 2024 21:16:07
And you'd have right on your side, Woody ?.

10.) 15 Jul 2024 21:17:55
Dill were Leeds United actually in for OHare?

Blunts offering more wages than Leeds?

OHare on a free is a pretty good signing even with him having previous serious injury issues.

11.) 15 Jul 2024 21:22:49
Southgoat is more of a politician than a manager. His we miss KP comments illustrate there was no passing QB in the team yet Rice and Bellingham are supposed to be £100M footballers. He should have played 3-5-2 for the final, concentrated on our own strengths and played Toney and Watkins up front instead of the injured statue. His style of play decent enough against an inferior opponent but you almost always play a very good side in a final which is why we lost.

12.) 15 Jul 2024 21:27:06
Under 4 weeks to start of Champo campaign.

It's looking like a bumpy ride start of season again with team squad line up uncertain / NOT sorted again


Anyone truly believe Summerville AND/ OR Gnonto will stay at LUFC this season?

13.) 15 Jul 2024 21:27:13
Weren’t there some rumours that O’Hare didn’t pass Leicester medical, leading to some other interest in the player waning? Whatever the truth or otherwise of those rumours it seems hard to believe that if Leeds were genuinely still interested in the lad, we wouldn’t have been able to persuade him to come to us over the Blades.

14.) 15 Jul 2024 22:26:19
Were Leeds actually looking to sign OHare?

15.) 15 Jul 2024 22:40:42
Only know as much as you guys. Several reports about Leeds interest, but who really knows ?‍♂️ cracking player so a shame he's going there.

That's Keiffer Moore and O'Hare now. Be good if we can get Bogle and at least weaken a rival in that area.



12 Jul 2024 10:40:13
Four years ago today that Pablo scored that goal at Swansea! A good session on the beer followed!


1.) 12 Jul 2024 12:28:28
Pablo love ?. love him

The goal and match that meant so much





LUFCfeath's rumour replies


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07 Aug 2019 21:02:42
Fingers crossed we get him. Hopefully an exciting day tomorrow on the LUFC front.




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06 Aug 2019 07:49:30
Yes, all the best to him.




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05 Aug 2019 21:47:57
Bruce has a track record of jumping ship.




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31 Jul 2019 16:34:45
Do Clubs offer us small amounts thinking we are a soft touch?




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30 Jul 2019 18:50:31
Also some news on Ayling and Roberts?





LUFCfeath's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 20:06:16
Totally agree Leo, if only his shooting matched his other skills. Hopefully a big improvement this season.




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25 Jul 2024 19:05:47
Amazingly with the court case hanging over him, Bowyer played arguably his best football. The reverse happened to Woodgate who seemed badly affby the goings on.




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24 Jul 2024 22:54:08
Sounds like a good performance around.




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20 Jul 2024 23:40:38
Decent, but overrated. They are welcome to him.




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20 Jul 2024 23:38:36
A good signing. Hopefully more to come!
