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08 Jun 2024 16:02:29
I think there will obviously be much more pressure on Daniel Farke this coming season than there was last season, purely on the mess that he had to pick up from previous season. Although the pressure ramped up in the close of last season, which I still think we should have still got promoted, given our remarkable run, just the poor run of results the tail end of the season did for us. The points total we accumulated was impressive given the lack of goals from midfield and defence. This season there will be huge expectations of the team. We have to recruit shrewdly. As much as I like cooper, shacks and byram for effort, I think the money could be spent more effectively on recruitment.

Agree6 Disagree1

08 Jun 2024 16:53:54
Pretty much agree with all of that good post C&J.

08 Jun 2024 17:43:08
With how; Leeds played at the end, how Farke refused to sub or swap off-form Piroe, the hints Farke dropped about it being best to spend two years in championship, instead of going into the premier League unprepared, the elland road upgrades are planned, players staying with the club, Red Bull investing and, most importantly, how staying in the championship avoided fines and rules breaches, it wouldn't surprise me if PM, DF and the investors wanted to stay in the championship rather than get promoted.

With all due respect to Leicester, Ipswich and Southampton, does anyone Leeds fan really believe we didn't have what it took to score more than one past Southampton at the final?

We made it look like we could win, when at the end of the day, the choice was not to win. We came so close, yet somehow, didn't take victory.

When you consider the business side of Leeds and the benefits of investing while it's cheap (in the championship) and the rewards of taking a club from championship to top of premier league, the logic of waiting speaks for itself.

On the view from the fans, why spend a disastrous year in the premier league; where we couldn't afford to buy players or build a worthy team, only to be relegated again, with fewer players and bigger debts, possibly repplaying the 16 years we were out of the premier league, is it something that we would have wanted?

Give me another storming year in the championship, with hungry investors, time to build a club, and stadium, ready to march on together again in the top flight of football.

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08 Jun 2024 23:33:33
There’s definitely some truth in what you are saying MOT, but I really do think they would of wanted to get promoted, but saying that I for one would prefer another great season in the Championship rather than have an unprepared and unpredictable team in the Premiership. Look at Brentford, they came close then went up and had a strong team which has sustained a place in The Premiership.
Fulham were relegated a couple of times before they became a regular Premier team, there are a few and we should be better for getting promoted next season, we will be more ready, more prepared and financially more stable.
Leeds United having been one of the most financially unstable clubs in the past years are going to be one of the most financially stable and with it will come success, I will be surprised if Farke gets us that far, but he will get us promoted and then someone else will take us further. It’s all stepping stones and it’s going to be very exciting times in my opinion. MOT ??ALAW.

09 Jun 2024 06:28:42
Lots of aspects in what you are saying that I totally agree with fella!
The only point I don’t agree with in fact, which aligns me with Woody, is the “not trying to get promoted”; usual reasons, terms and conditions apply!
Was that your first post? If so, nice one, and welcome!
If it wasn’t, then please do post more often, and stop being a slacker! ???.

09 Jun 2024 11:32:22
First post. Thanks for having me.

I agree with what you're saying white and woody. a good combo of words.

Leeds had to make it look like they were a threat, which we did with the thrashing of Norwich. We were not in the right place, financially, to be promoted and end up with anything other than debt and defeat.
I'm happy we're doing another year in the championship, the fans deserve another year of win after win. Next season when we do go up, and it is a when, not an if, money won't allow it to be an if, we will be in a better position.

I predict Farke will take us to the prem and maybe given a season or will be paid out and replaced with a big name manager like ETH or Mourinho. Either of those taking Leeds to the top would be a story for the ages.

09 Jun 2024 15:13:57
No guarantees at all that Leeds United " will" go up this forthcoming season.

09 Jun 2024 19:10:52
We would have got more money if we went up rather than staying in the EFL (dwindling parachute payments year on year) though, so don't understand the logic. Plus the RB investment would've attained us more money being a Prem team, so not sure how it makes sense about being more debt ridden if we got promoted. Wed actually have better cashflow. Furthermore we'd have a better ability to alleviate any PSR issues given EPL players generate more value than EFL players when sold.

We are demonstrably in a financially worse position now than we would've been had we gained promotion. We still owe a lot of money out and our players are worth considerably less because we are still in the EFL. Compounded by the fact that our PSR threshold would've been a lot easier to attain had we gained promotion.

The stadium expansion seems likely to be put on hold too given recent indications.

Doesn't really make sense what you said, MoT.

09 Jun 2024 19:36:47
Spot on Dill . it makes no sense.

09 Jun 2024 20:57:21
Mota - nice theory, tin foil on sale in Sainsbury's if you need a new hat.



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