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29 Jun 2024 22:35:31
£40m for a championship level RB isn't bad
Considering he's obviously not as good as
Kamara and Gruev in midfield . Based on Farkes team selections.

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29 Jun 2024 23:07:24

Take the £40 million

Still don't think it will be Brentford though .

29 Jun 2024 23:37:14
A bolt from the blue indeed Mighty. Hold on tight I have a feeling this is the start of a turbulent summer, though I have a feeling this one may be a paving of the way for KP to return, just an inkling.

29 Jun 2024 23:48:37
If Farke sells our good players then he best win 3/ 5 of the first five games. If not, sack him.

30 Jun 2024 02:09:15
5 out of 5 I reckon. Or gone.

30 Jun 2024 04:06:19
Farke isn't the one selling anyone MoT. Steinsson and Miles are recruitment/ player sales, and ultimately Marathe has the final say. Farke is just the coach.

30 Jun 2024 05:21:35
What Dill said.

Agree with Baz. Can see Spurs sealing the deal.

30 Jun 2024 08:11:39
Farke might have an input, but he isn’t the decision maker on either incomings or outgoings, so everyone can forget blaming Farke for transfers, and forget him getting sacked before November too. Maybe try to start the season with some positivity, eh?



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