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01 Jul 2024 10:22:58
The PSR deadline was yesterday so selling Archie obviously has nothing to do with that. So why are we selling him? Against the managers wishes too.
A strange one maybe somebody can enlighten me?

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01 Jul 2024 11:00:53
There’s talk of lattitude with PSR deadlines Cork and a number of journalists have referenced “near miss” transfers and if proven were ongoing once concluded can be included under the previous accounting year.

01 Jul 2024 11:13:12
Read something about AG deal still being allowed to be included in PSR as a ' near miss ' to July 1st

As for Farke's wishes he can do one, his failure to get promoted from position of 1st with just 8 matches left is the causal reason for Leeds selling AG

Failure Farke is also the only reason we are selling England U21 player Charlie Cresswell ( for a woeful give away £ 3.8 million having never played him)

Farke out.

01 Jul 2024 12:19:39
Absolutely Baz!, I mean, it wasn’t any of the players faults that we didn’t get promoted was it eh? Oh no just down to one person, Farke, absolutely, Farke out! Here we go again! Cresswell being sold, yes down to Farke again, he is the sole reason eh! Bielsa didn’t play him, Jesse didn’t play him, Garcia didn’t play him, Allardyce didn’t play him, so let’s all blame Farke! Give it a rest Baz on the Farke out nonsense, oh and as for your predictions, Gray is going and Rodon is on his way so that’s 2 down already and when we gain promotion with Farke then that’s 3 down! ??.

01 Jul 2024 12:35:31
I mentioned this last week. There's near miss wiggle room for around 14 days apparently.

01 Jul 2024 12:37:35
Cresswell isn't the hill to die on Baz. As Woody mentions, he's nit played for any of the previous managers and he doesn't fit a possession dominant team. Plus are you dropping Struijk, Rodon or Ampadu for him? And if so why the hell would you do that ?.

01 Jul 2024 12:38:46

01 Jul 2024 12:51:35
Lol Woody ?
Yep if it's true I am a tad surprised Rodon coming back to Champo

As for Cresswell he got some game time in much higher levep EPL under Bielsa and Marsch

Farke flunked promotion last season Woody. and we lost it from an increasingly weak midfield .

if he had played Ampadu in his mf position and Cressy. at CB. last 8 games.

01 Jul 2024 13:02:33
Dill .

Ampadu is needed in midfield. it was increasingly anaemic without him last 8 matches

Again Dill . did Leeds go up?

As for Struick . he was never available.

01 Jul 2024 13:55:17
Rodon can’t be coming back to Leeds, it was stated by Mystic Baz that it would Never happen and that was a fact. ??.

01 Jul 2024 14:08:47
Come on Baz, give your head a bit of a wobble matey! Look at what Farke had to put up with at the beginning of last season, he had to make the best of the last regimes terrible decisions, he had so much crap with not knowing who wanted to stay and go and had to make do with what was left, he then had bad apple Gnonto to deal with. Then out of this he gave us our best winning run ever and to be fair even though we won at home against Leicester, they lost that more than we won, but it still got us to a level playing field, but all good runs have got to come to an end, just like Bielsa in his first full season we ran out of steam, it happens! Judge Farke when it’s time to judge him which isn’t now!
I hope Farke proves you wrong and I for one am not waiting for him to fail, I’m expecting him to be a success and this deal with Archie really isn’t his fault, if anything he is responsible for nurturing a 17yr old into a £40M footballer, so we’ll done DF, take a bow! Baz don’t take a Bow! ??.

01 Jul 2024 14:09:17
So you think we would have gone up if Cressy played?

01 Jul 2024 14:18:16
Yet another prediction that goes splat down the toilet, the list is so long now of Baz’s forecasts going wrong I can’t even find the funny side of them anymore .
They’re just daft and boring ?.

01 Jul 2024 14:36:04
Occasionally not correct MG, it happens.



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