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02 Jul 2024 11:13:57
Bless Marcelo’s Uruguay dumping the hosts USA out of the Copa America just so BA can have a full pre-season with his club mates. ?.

Agree6 Disagree0

02 Jul 2024 11:31:04
Good. get BA in training asap

. do think BA will have a good season . much like my pick DJ did last season

Question is now about Max Wober . even though we have bought JR . we are lacking in CD numbers and I certainly would NOT loan Max out again .

reluctantly might sell but only if very good price offered.

02 Jul 2024 11:50:52
I agree Baz otherwise we may lose amps to defense again if we get injuries, I'm still concerned left and right back positions if firpo goes we will definitely need additional cover and still say we need proven amc and cf trouble is can't see us affording all those unless we sell cre and piroe or bamford.

02 Jul 2024 12:12:18
Might not have much choice regarding Wober. See what his attitude is when he comes back and what options are available.

02 Jul 2024 13:25:57
Hasn’t wober said he dosent want to come back?
That might have been liorente.
Wober prob showed more passion than the rest of them. And ability too. So to keep Amps in midfield bring him back.
Think arronson only coming back cause he got no other options. Would only give him 10 at end of the game. Hoping we sign someone tougher and better.
It’s a bit unfair on managers not knowing who will be at a club up to 2 weeks after season starts. Think transfer window should run from end of season to august 1st.

02 Jul 2024 16:53:20
I’m with you on that Aus, Aaronson hasn’t suddenly turned into a player that we simply can’t turn down. What we saw of him before is what you get.
Wöber does not want to come back to Leeds, certainly not in the Championship, he’ll be looking for another loan out.

02 Jul 2024 17:42:13
Last season there were loads on here including you OP who had written off DJ before season had even started.

DJ proved the doubters wrong.

Give BA a chance to see what he can achieve in CHAMPO . he has talent at this level and gives 120% .

I sm super confident BA will have a good season.

02 Jul 2024 19:01:08
Aaronson has attributes that will cause problems in this league. Hopefully he can make use of them.

I wouldn't be so quick to write him off.

02 Jul 2024 19:37:41
Baz and Dil are right.
GR was a donkey in the prem and caused big problems for defense last season.
BA is fast and nimble. Work that in with DJ and GR and it will be the fastest attack in the league.

02 Jul 2024 19:50:54
Baracus shall be deployed as he is for his national side. Off the bench, for high energy and pressing and to provide our players with a boost in the 2nd half. Ought to be very helpful for Farke to make substitutions earlier in games around the hour mark and not with 10 minutes to go.

02 Jul 2024 22:48:53
Let's be right here, Rutter wasn't a donkey. He never even got an opportunity other than some participation minutes in games we were already getting tonked in. Hardly the best circumstances for a player to represent themselves to their fullest potential.

02 Jul 2024 22:55:25
I never wrote off James, Baz, in the Championship he’s a good player, my concerns are in the Premiership for him where he’s not really done very well, neither for us Man U or Fulham.

Aaronson will be hacked down constantly if he plays, whether he plays as a AM or winger he’ll be no different to Jimmy, Gnonto and Rutter being dragged or chopped down, the problem for Aaronson he’s not as good as Jimmy or Gnonto and he can’t score goals, his passing was not memorable either.

If he’s wearing the white shirt and is giving 100% then I’m behind him, but I’m not holding my breath in anticipation nor great expectation.

03 Jul 2024 00:02:09
We shall see OP

Depending also on our squad personnel at end of August . I am tentatively predicting BA

Scores 6 goals minimum

Assists 10 goals minimum.

03 Jul 2024 08:16:18
I think BA will learn to drop off defenders, and create space for himself, allowing increased effectiveness. If he cuts out going to ground on minimal contact, which seems to send even the biggest players down these days, he will do more than fine.

04 Jul 2024 09:17:09
His ability to press in the final third will be a good benefit too. Rutter is good at chasing back and nicking the ball but he's not a frontline presser the way BA is. Shutting teams down further up the pitch will see us get a lot more spontaneous opportunities, which will be lovely.



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