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30 May 2024 22:49:14
Ok lads a question for you, one we've just debated down the boozer.
If we are to keep one of Gnonto Summerville or Rutter, which one would you like to stay and why?
Most likely at least one will be off and probably two and maybe even all three?
Personally if the choice was mine and without knowing potential transfer fees involved I'd keep Cree, mainly going by his goal tally in 50 odd games this season.
Rutter to me anyway is a disaster of a player. His brain doesn't seem linked to his legs even though he's shown the odd bit of genius!
And Gnonto I'm not a fan. Hate is histrionics every game and out of the three I believe he's less of a team player.
I'd rather Ampadu, James, Gray and hopefully Rodon be here next season.

Agree1 Disagree0

30 May 2024 23:23:27
Georginio Rutter is a "disaster of a player" Corkster?

Hardly fella

8 goals 15 assists. But he needs to put his laces through his shots

Keep Georginio. unlike the other 2 show ponies who definitely want to leave Leeds and think they are bigger than Leeds United.

. hundreds of former Leeds United players better than both of them!

30 May 2024 23:47:31
Cree for me Cork.

31 May 2024 00:20:56
Rutter for me. He is improving all the time.
We need the other two dosh.
Can’t get much out of selling Rutter.

31 May 2024 00:32:53
Good question Corky and for me an easy one. We would as a club financially be better off selling Cry and Gnonto due to profit and loss, if we sell Rutter then we will lose out due to the fact we would never get the 35M back we paid for him, bloody stupid price paid for him. So financially that’s what we should do. Player wise get rid of Gnonto 100% and for me sell Cry because he seemed to be just not that interested in the team for the last ten games, yet Rutter never stops running and trying and he loves playing for Leeds. Rutter will come good next season, Cry is bored and Gnonto is a moody little want away selfish player. Only my opinion though chaps ?.

31 May 2024 04:43:44
Changed your tune Corky. Halfway through season you called Cree a bad?.

Rutter disaster? Wish I'd been that disastrous when I played.

As my bro rightly remarks he needs to lace a few. The issue there is his speed, leg movement and overall gait tend to have him slightly sideways on so many times his shot is scuffed. He's the opposite of DJ who doesn't suffer from that because he's so direct.

31 May 2024 05:55:53
Keep Rutter. We'll get the best returns on Cry and Willy.

Plus, Rutter's our most dynamic player and he can muster something from nothing. He's a chance creator with exceptional strength with his back to goal. How often do we see him get the ball and turn someone or multiple players that he's really got no right to, then come out the other side and create an opportunity. I get he's unorthodox, but that isn't luck that he can evade those challenges. It happens far too often and consistetly for it to be. At some point you've got to admit that that's his style and he makes it work, whether you think it looks right or not, it's effective. He's also a good presser and he covers distance when he's tracking back to make tackles. So many times this season he's made ball winning challenges way back in our half and stopped atttacks. I love watching him play when he's on form. He's a workhorse, but he's also having fun when he plays. And it's clear he bleeds white, yellow and blue. A proper Leeds lad at heart now.

Flaw wise, he does take too many needless risks - although I don't mind it further up the pitch as you need to be less risk averse to create chances - and his finishing needs work. But. he's just turned 22 and clearly nit the finished article. The kid is a joy to watch and he's only going to improve in these areas with experience.

So, to say he's a disaster of a player is not even remotely accurate. Imo, he's going to be a full France international if he addresses those areas of his game, which I'm sure he will as he progresses.

31 May 2024 07:07:29
My summer hiatus is over; my despair with the result last weekend is over. The first tingling of optimism for the new season is there.

Anyway, the answer for me is an easy one; I would keep Georginio.

1 - He is a team player; the other two are not so much.
2 - His "erratic" or very unpredictable play makes it difficult to mark him; when he is confident, he is essentially unplayable [at this level]. He's unselfish, probably a flaw - shoot!
3 - He needs to learn when to be clever, e. g. not in our half!
4 - The other two, whilst good, are very predictable in their play and it was easy over the last few weeks to nullify their threat. [essentially eliminate it].
5 - The other two, would generate "significant" profits when sold, unlike Georginio.
6. Gnonto, whilst decent, is no better than James, but again James is very much a team player; Georginio and James playing wide, would be a better option in my opinion; with Cree, Farke probably couldn't do it last season.

Spend the proceeds wisely, try and get Rodon, keep the core of the team together, do our business early and hopefully we can hit the ground running.

31 May 2024 08:18:03
Good post dill and ani. I’m looking forward to seeing Gio and James on each wing next season. Gray gru and kam or amps in midfield. Buy right and I think we can cause some havoc.

31 May 2024 08:20:46
I’d like to keep all three of them but for sure it will be Summerville who will be leaving because he will command the biggest return financially.
They made a big effort to keep Willy at Elland road last summer and they may do the same again. If Willy leaves we will only have one winger left being DJ .
Gnonto is tried and tested and you know what you’ve got and he’s pretty decent in my opinion, even with his histrionics on the pitch. There’s always one player in the team that plays up a bit, remember Alioski.

As for Rutter, definitely keep, he’s still not the finished article and is inconsistent but on his day he can create something from nothing. He needs shooting practice.

31 May 2024 08:32:21
I agree with every word Woody and Baz has said, Jimmy, as I have said many times just looks disinterested. Willy did redeem himself some what after him wanting to leave, but if rumours are true and he wants to go again, then adios. Rutter has so much potential, and whether he performs as often as he should, he does show a bucket load of commitment every game and seems to love Leeds.

31 May 2024 10:05:55
Aus . the same midfield 4 is not a top 2 midfield!

OP keep Willy ? . you've said many a time if a player doesn't really want to be be at Leeds get him gone.

And Willy simply can't be trusted to deliver when it matters as was shown back end of season

The issue is his sell on clause but suck it up sell him the bad eggs need to be gone.

Rutter is a winger and other wingers out there to be recruited

Indeed Dougie spot on.

31 May 2024 11:24:38
Has to be Georgina…he’s a player that can develop and improve the most has potential to be world class . he’s still only 21 yrs old.

31 May 2024 11:29:53
Keep Rutter for me, move Cree and Gnonto on, should get decent dosh for these 2.
Rutter was rushed back too quickly after his op over the international break so that's the only time this season after Farke got his positionming behind the main striker that's he been off form on a regular basis. In the run we had from the turn of the year he was absolute class and showed what he was capable of when fit, just needs to get some shooting practice and he'll be some player.

31 May 2024 11:37:36
You are only assuming he wants to leave.
The likelihood is that he’ll have no say in it, unless the club have no choice because they need the funds?
My personal feeling on this is that they will keep him and we’ll have Willy and James as first choices if Summerville leaves.

31 May 2024 14:23:46
What Baz? Don’t get that first paragraph although I think you are trying to arouse porgi in the third. Naughty boy.

02 Jun 2024 15:26:37
Keep Rutter and sell the other two. From the final whistle against Southampton until the start of the new season Rutter has to get himself out onto the training pitch and practice his shooting at goal. He kicks the ball like a pigeon with a gym shoe on.



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