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13 Jul 2024 18:56:12
Sounds like Kamara to Rennes for €10m is a done deal
Not a bad player but I think Kamara put Rothwell in is an upgrade .
I don't think there is room for Gruev, Ampadu and Kamara in midfield
So similar.

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13 Jul 2024 20:26:23
Kamara gone is good news imo.

13 Jul 2024 20:34:48
Kamara and Rothwell different profiles. In fact all four are different profiles to each other. Shame if he goes. Kamara was good at progressing us up the pitch. The man that made us tick between defence and attack.

Kamara a progressive passer, technical on the ball.

Rothwell more of a runner to progress play, tenacious.

Gruev has workrate, tackler, more of a lateral passer.

Ampadu deep lying playmaker, press resistant, good passing range

Room for all of them imo as each does a different job.

13 Jul 2024 22:52:44
Dillinger - Gruev isn’t just a lateral passer - probably better at longer passes into final third than Kamara.

13 Jul 2024 23:12:29
Dill The question therefore is what's Crew's profile?

14 Jul 2024 00:40:12
Kamara pass forwards? . lmao.

14 Jul 2024 07:31:09
Clu, was being reductive so could write quickly to highlight the differences between all four. Did say MORE of a lateral passer, not JUST a lateral passer fwiw.

The majority of Gruev's passing consists of short/ mid passes laterally or vertically into the middle third. Does he ping a few long balls into the final third every now and again? Sure, but nothing regularly.

He does, Baz. Kamara's play tends to be in the final two thirds and it shows in the breakdown of his passing stats. He has 6.87 progressive passes per 90, ranking him in the 86th percentile.5.97 passes into the final third, ranking him in the 84th percentile. And 1.23 passes into the penalty area, ranking him in the 84th percentile.

I've barely watched Crew tbh, George, so wouldn't wanna say without spending a bit of time watching him first.

14 Jul 2024 08:47:16
That isn’t Gruev’s natural approach. He does, and initially did, prefer to lift his head in space from deep, and play more reaching passes, similar to Kal, to the wings, and through the middle. When Farke clearly told him to keep it simple, was when the brakes were put on our faster, more flowing and varied football.
The lateral element of his play is more through managerial design than natural ability or desire.

14 Jul 2024 09:23:33
I like Kamara but all I’m saying is there isn’t room for the 4 of them
Especially with strujk now going to CB that means Ampadu likely to play in midfield and Aaronson coming back as well something has to give.

14 Jul 2024 09:56:13
Of course there's room for four players who are different profiles 🤔 could well be Brighty. All I know is Kamara's passing stats in the attacking third are much better.

14 Jul 2024 10:33:57
Agree brighty. Def change due to farkes instruction.
Remember a few decent sprays.
And it has been reported kamara will be replaced.

14 Jul 2024 12:50:25
If it is at DF's instruction it's a weird one. Negates our ability to get up the pitch quicker. We've looked most dangerous in the transitional phase, so not sure I understand why he'd neuter part of someones game like that.

14 Jul 2024 20:43:02
Graham Smyth says another midfielder to come in, Rothwell the gray replacement.

15 Jul 2024 03:31:14
Good news.

13 Jul 2024 18:38:25
I've seen a few posts of x regarding a behind closed doors game v Chelsea over 3x45 min half's? Anyone know about this? Any potential line ups etc? I heard we lost 5-1.

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13 Jul 2024 16:08:50
Jayden Bogle linked .
Any thoughts?

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13 Jul 2024 18:24:00
Decent at this level. Pops up with some goals too. Scored against Ambrosia I believe last season but also og'd against the Goons. Entering final year of contract. Bid in region of £5M ought to convince Blades to sell.

13 Jul 2024 20:30:19
Has some versatility of position. scores a few goals and gets assists too

Decent buy IF it happens.

14 Jul 2024 08:47:45
Would be a good signing imo.

15 Jul 2024 11:27:51
Agree bright decent signing.

13 Jul 2024 10:10:18
LUFC 💛💙🤍 linked with the acquisition of 20 year old Serbian international and RB Salzburg CF Petar Ratkov.

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12 Jul 2024 12:32:41
Rumour regarding max Aarons again we looked at him last year apparently 10 million been put on him thoughts boys and girls?

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12 Jul 2024 13:11:43
A big NO.

12 Jul 2024 14:25:15
Prefer Wober or even Verstappen.

12 Jul 2024 21:07:03
Think it says a lot that they're looking to move on so quickly after signing him, possibly injury and/ or attitude problem. Yes working with Farke might help his undoubted talent resurface but no guarantee. Would be interested at £5m or a loan with option to buy at £7.5m but not for £10m. Worth revisiting if expectations are lowered.

12 Jul 2024 21:57:32
Good post Ealing.

11 Jul 2024 21:47:24
Says kamara def going making 3.5 profit.
Any buy option on rothgate deal?
What he be worth? 10?

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11 Jul 2024 23:37:36
We paid 5.5 mil for him. With 3.5 mil on top, you're looking at a 9-ish million price tag.

12 Jul 2024 11:14:40
Atm I'm not paying much attention as the source of this original story (TeamTALK) aren't always accurate with their reporting of . Fingers crossed.

12 Jul 2024 12:09:17
Ok dill. See how it pans.
But new signing would give it legs.
It’s shuffling about. Was gray a defender or midfielder next season.
Sense would be we need a rb to replace him as that’s where he played most so frees up kamara to go if we keep Gruev and amps. Bit of a wheel of fortune tbh.

12 Jul 2024 12:41:08
That goes for most of dem websites Dill . clickbaiters.

12 Jul 2024 14:02:55
Yeah, a lot parrot off one initial report nowadays. Hope we keep Kamara as a lot of our progression goes through him. You never know, we may keep all our mids and have some decent depth.

11 Jul 2024 18:11:47
Joe Rothwell signed on loan from Bournemouth! Another midfielder, which must mean outgoings too. 🤔.

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11 Jul 2024 20:02:09
I like that signing. Experienced, scores goals from midfield. Offers us the opportunity to be able to interchange players and positions within our midfield. Astute signing.

11 Jul 2024 20:06:51
I hope it's not Gruev. He made a big impact on the team and helped us secure a long run of games without conceding a goal.

11 Jul 2024 20:39:46
It doesn't necessarily follow that we'll sell Gruev or Kamara (or even Amps) just because we have Rothwell now. Thickening out the bench with quality at this level and we have Crew too.

11 Jul 2024 20:43:13
Kamara can go for me.
For all his good, I also saw plenty of bad.

11 Jul 2024 21:10:45
Hope Kamara stays. He really helps us tick.

11 Jul 2024 22:53:52
Also only the second player in our history and the first since 1922 to share a name with part of Leeds.

11 Jul 2024 23:10:29
Proper pub quiz ammo, Alf!

11 Jul 2024 23:48:54
I would be happy if Meslier went just to shut Baz up from going on about him every bloody day! Are we going to get this all season Baz? 🤷🤷.

12 Jul 2024 02:52:19
Woody its 4 years now of Gash and everyone except OP, Berma and possibly Farke know he is pony

Even you Woody lad acknowledge Mes is pony.

Good efficient competent gks can be acquired without breaking the bank . £2 million and less

Pop Mes on bench as number 2 back up gk . please!

12 Jul 2024 08:17:39
Add me to that list Baz. He is inconsistent, for sure. He makes mistakes, defo. definitely pony with crosses, but so are many others. Even Pickford punched a shot away the other night. But he does also make some worldies too. He’s a 7/ 10 GK imo. How much would it cost us to get a 9 or 8 in today’s market?

12 Jul 2024 09:10:48
Remember without Rothwell we only have 3 midfielders since Gray has left. Rothwell is the Gray replacement I imagine.

12 Jul 2024 11:08:10
I'm with Brighty, think he has flaws and has plateaud. We can do worse, but we can do better, too. ANTHONY PATTERSON!

12 Jul 2024 12:44:21
Dill we have somehow got worse than Gashlier 5/ 10 at best . Darlow

Stoke shrewdly signed a far better more reliable gk for £1 million.

12 Jul 2024 21:08:53
So my boss is a Blackburn fan and said this

Unusual midfielder, has a goal in him and a good dribbler. Hasn't done much with his career in recent years (putting his words politely) . Maybe his loan spell at Southampton is him turning a corner.

Sounds like a slightly better version of Alex Mowatt, in the sense he scores eye catching goals.

11 Jul 2024 14:48:33
Marseille appear to have ended their interest in potential signing of Gashlier.

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11 Jul 2024 17:21:46
Quelle surprise. not

As I suggested last week there never was any real " interest " in The Gash .

11 Jul 2024 18:12:16
Meslier is a good goalie, I just think he has a touch of autism and gets bored easily. He puts himself in danger to give himself something to do.

If Farke can hammer that out of him, he would be world class.

12 Jul 2024 08:18:32
I shouldn’t laugh in the soppy, soft climate of today, but that is funny MoT!

11 Jul 2024 14:46:55
Reportedly Blackburn Rovers in for free agent LOL.

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11 Jul 2024 17:22:48
Bottom half Champo defender so logical match up.

12 Jul 2024 08:20:00
Probably proper wazz Baz off with this statement, but “he has been a great servant to the club”! Or is it someone else who despises that phrase?
Would’ve preferred to keep him for a later coaching role with us tho.

12 Jul 2024 15:53:15

As you well know, that phrase

was what set you and Chris Chris ( not I ) off on the mother of all barneys 🤣.

12 Jul 2024 19:32:39
Lol! Oh. Ok. Cheers for reminding me Baz! 😲🤣.

08 Jul 2024 20:20:30
CC (not the one currently in the Algarve) officially announced as a Toulouse player.

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08 Jul 2024 23:18:42

should have made it a one year loan

as Farke will be gone at some point this season unless Leeds are in top 2.

09 Jul 2024 07:14:22
How gutted can you be over a player that played 135 mins in league? That is the question.

09 Jul 2024 10:37:33
Not quite as gutted but close to Leif Davis departure levels of gutted.

Abysmal by LUFC.

09 Jul 2024 14:13:54
Give it a rest mate. He's gone and been gone for two seasons 🤣.

09 Jul 2024 15:21:04
King Pablo been gone for far longer 3 seasons Dill

and boy do I miss him ( as you should too Dill! )

Pablo would have got Leeds United over the promotion line last season!

09 Jul 2024 16:04:22
I do mate. But he did actually play for the first team, unlike CC and LD.

09 Jul 2024 23:50:20
Dill. never given a chance Dill smf look af £ 15 million rated LD now

Under a Leeds manager who genuinely believed in and gave youth a chance such as for example DoL they both woulda coulda shoulda have been regulars.

10 Jul 2024 07:20:42
No ta. CBA with going over same stuff every day.


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