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02 Jul 2024 13:46:49
Very happy with getting Rodon in, great bit of business and 10 mil is fantastic.
Who would we all like to see as CB pairing, i'd personally like Wober to come back, i did rate him but we also have Struijk.
Think amps better in MF, so those 3 to keep it competitive?
Think we did well with 30 mil for Gray, hard to turn down that cash, good luck to him ( guess we still have Harry gray ) .
As for remaining window, imo i'd try sell Meslier ( new keeper needed)
Sell Firpo next and bring in new LB and RB, could we tempt Lamptey from Brighton?
Happily also sell kamara ( bring in skipp) , gnoto ( bring clarke) and bamford ( bring in proper #9) .
Then only that creative midfielder player and we loooking good.

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02 Jul 2024 15:03:58
My starters would be Struijk and Rodon. Struijk and Greaves from Hull are the best LCBs in the league imo, so Wober would need to do a lot to displace Strujk imo. Wober gives us the option as cover at CB and LB, or, when needed, reverting to a back 3 with wing backs (Firpo and Lamptey would be great for that) .

Don't think Gnonto and Clarke would be a like for like swap. They play on different wings these days.

But all in all, wouldn't be against most of that, Melb.

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02 Jul 2024 16:00:15
Yep I’m happy with Rodon and Strujk
Put Ampadu back in CM.

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02 Jul 2024 16:09:37
Sell Gnonto and gives James game time.
Sell Summerville and try someone else on the wing.
Amps and gruev midfield
Rodon and firpo RB and LB respectively. Struijk defensive mid.
Mes goalie
Rutter AF/ AM
Joseph number 9
Sell Piroe.

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02 Jul 2024 17:10:53
Some good calls in there Melbourne - no arguments here.

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02 Jul 2024 11:13:57
Bless Marcelo’s Uruguay dumping the hosts USA out of the Copa America just so BA can have a full pre-season with his club mates. 🤭.

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02 Jul 2024 11:31:04
Good. get BA in training asap

. do think BA will have a good season . much like my pick DJ did last season

Question is now about Max Wober . even though we have bought JR . we are lacking in CD numbers and I certainly would NOT loan Max out again .

reluctantly might sell but only if very good price offered.

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02 Jul 2024 11:50:52
I agree Baz otherwise we may lose amps to defense again if we get injuries, I'm still concerned left and right back positions if firpo goes we will definitely need additional cover and still say we need proven amc and cf trouble is can't see us affording all those unless we sell cre and piroe or bamford.

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02 Jul 2024 12:12:18
Might not have much choice regarding Wober. See what his attitude is when he comes back and what options are available.

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02 Jul 2024 13:25:57
Hasn’t wober said he dosent want to come back?
That might have been liorente.
Wober prob showed more passion than the rest of them. And ability too. So to keep Amps in midfield bring him back.
Think arronson only coming back cause he got no other options. Would only give him 10 at end of the game. Hoping we sign someone tougher and better.
It’s a bit unfair on managers not knowing who will be at a club up to 2 weeks after season starts. Think transfer window should run from end of season to august 1st.

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02 Jul 2024 16:53:20
I’m with you on that Aus, Aaronson hasn’t suddenly turned into a player that we simply can’t turn down. What we saw of him before is what you get.
Wöber does not want to come back to Leeds, certainly not in the Championship, he’ll be looking for another loan out.

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02 Jul 2024 17:42:13
Last season there were loads on here including you OP who had written off DJ before season had even started.

DJ proved the doubters wrong.

Give BA a chance to see what he can achieve in CHAMPO . he has talent at this level and gives 120% .

I sm super confident BA will have a good season.

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01 Jul 2024 15:35:21
Good to see business being done early, Roca gone Llorente following, JH could do with a permanent, not keen on the BA return but I guess we will see. With Archie going added to the sales of Sini and Adams et Al PSR should be no problem. Rodon in for a reported £10 million is good business. Get everything done as early as possible, time to build for a proper start to the season unlike last year. On and up siblings, UTWDTP.

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01 Jul 2024 18:22:27
25mill for AG and Rodon to Leeds, Cresswell deal no go on his way back so they say?

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01 Jul 2024 18:34:24
Kamara off to Rangers by the look of it. Baz.

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01 Jul 2024 18:55:25
Whitey Good news.

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01 Jul 2024 18:56:53
It's £40m for Archie, White. All up front, too.

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01 Jul 2024 19:07:31
Kamara was signed from Rangers Whitey mate, I think it’s French outfit Rennes who are after him 👍.

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01 Jul 2024 19:15:43
Whatever the cost for his Transportaion, I'll take care of the Bill.

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01 Jul 2024 21:23:11
🪝 I don't like the police 👮🚓 either but wouldn't go to those lengths.

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02 Jul 2024 00:05:01
Kamara a weird one. Think he is able. Don’t want to be rebuilding too much. Need to replace the ones that leave and add a few. Not too many.

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02 Jul 2024 07:30:18
I think Kamara is a quality operator (press resistant, good passing range, decent vision, work rate) . Improvements he needs to make would be his box crashing ability and his confidence in shooting from the edge of the box. Looks for the pass instead of taking better advantage of the position he's in. Would prefer to keep him and work on those areas.

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02 Jul 2024 08:09:58
Comfortable with Kamara going. Good player, and a good signing at the right time tho. Should create space for an ACM signing and match minutes for Crew.

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02 Jul 2024 09:09:49
Agree dill I have always liked kamara has an off day now and again but tell me a player who doesn't, I agree we need a good acm but we also need good holding mid who can pass.

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02 Jul 2024 09:33:28
It seems we have reported interest in Gruev and kamara. I’d keep both. Get rid of the deadwood and fringe. No point decimating the starters. If amps in midfield then one of the two won’t get as many minutes as last year but good enough for cover. There are 5-6 we can move on.

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02 Jul 2024 11:36:05
If Leeds keep the same anaemic midfield . non scoring non creating Tippy tappy sideways passers.

Then Leeds will miss out AGAIN on top 2 . with tinters again erroneously predicting of Leeds becoming Champo champions

Leeds midfield, gk and Farke were the reasons Lèeds failed last season.

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02 Jul 2024 12:14:39
We waited a long time last summer before signing Kamara, same as Piroe which suggests we were looking for other options and only made those signings when we don't have any preferred options. If we can change them for players who fit Farke's system better then I would be happy enough.

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02 Jul 2024 14:01:54
Agree Aus. Would still want to add to midfield even if we kept Kamara. We need squad depth as much as we need some new starters. A proper box-to-box and an AM would be lovely, although I reckon we likely only get one of the two.

Think the lack of a proper CF made things harder too, Baz, along with areas you mentioned.

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02 Jul 2024 14:12:09
What was our formation last season baz?
1-4-2-3-1? 1-4–5-1? What constitutes our midfield?

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02 Jul 2024 15:05:45
Agreed Dill

We definitely need quality
1) a goalscoring box to box mf
2) a creative attacking mf . who assists and scores.

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02 Jul 2024 17:33:49
Cree and DJ, plus Gnonto and Gio, didn’t do too bad in terms of goals and assists from midfield positions did they Aus?

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02 Jul 2024 17:59:47
Woody yes sorry read it wrong they will get a big pay off out of the fee that leaves a coupon coopers for us.

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01 Jul 2024 14:14:36
Cresswell sold to Toulouse for £3.8 million.

What's next? We lose Joseph, Geldhardt and Crew?

Farke hates the youth talent doesn't he?

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01 Jul 2024 14:32:22
He certainly doesn't trust them nor play them.

First eleven burnout was on DF not utilising his squad.

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01 Jul 2024 14:33:54
He wasn't good enough to get in to the starting 11. Do you want him to play inferior players just to keep them happy? Same goes for Joffy.

Crew literally just been promoted to the firsts so why would he be playing?

Joseph only one who should actually have gotten more game time.

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01 Jul 2024 15:23:26
You expect CC to be satisfied with another 480 seconds of game time?

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01 Jul 2024 16:29:32
Well said Dilli, I totally agree with your post mate 👍👍.

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01 Jul 2024 16:49:09
Baz, you can’t put every player in your squad on the pitch at the same time therefore some don’t play. It’s the managers decision who plays where and when. So below you say Cresswell should have played CB, so if that had happened there would have been no room for Archie, so Archie’s worth today would have been what £3M? It’s said that DF does not give youth a chance, so Charlie Crew, from nowhere to on the bench in DF’s tenure, Archie, under 18’s to first team in DF’s tenure, Matteo Joseph, bench warmer to first team under DF, Cody, attitude problems and Cresswell does not fit DF’s style. Also non of DF’s predecessors utilised the youth! You can play a couple of the inexperienced youth in an experienced team without resulting in failure but you can’t put four or five in and expect success, so what does he do? I think no matter what happens or what he does or doesn’t do, you will never see him as a winner but always as a failure waiting to happen 🤷🤷.

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01 Jul 2024 17:01:35
All good points about not being good enough for the first team, but I'll counter with Piroe.

The man does not fit our style and is a donkey. Yet he was played over Joseph. Some games he may as well have put Cresswell on for Piroe.

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01 Jul 2024 17:08:00
Woody . plenty of successful sides have played 4 or 5 inexperienced players at a time.

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01 Jul 2024 17:31:35
Reportedly CC move to Toulouse has collapsed.

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01 Jul 2024 18:13:06
Totally agree about Piroe, MoT. Joseph needs some starts early doors next season.

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01 Jul 2024 19:09:15
I agree as well regarding Piroe, apart from the Ipswich game he has never seemed comfortable playing, he’s got great feet but clumsy with it!

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01 Jul 2024 19:24:15
You’re right Baz, but there is inexperienced and then very young naive and inexperienced! There is no way a team including Cresswell, Gray, Dramah, Crew, Joseph and Geldhard, would be challenging for the top six in the Championship. The game is changing all the time in the Championship, it’s getting more challenging with young players suffering burn out because of their inexperience, so they have to be introduced gently if they are good enough. There is so much emphasis on the money and players monetary worth in the market and one bad decision could destroy a young player and his worth, I would hate to be a manager in the modern game. We fell short last season and it was definitely not due to the lack of young players not being utilised, it was down to not having the experienced fit striker and CAM we needed 👍.

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01 Jul 2024 19:55:45
Yep Woody good and fair final post . spot on re the CAM and CF issues of last season.

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01 Jul 2024 20:47:04
Thanks Baz, joking aside I really do get your point regarding DF not utilising players enough, I just get the feeling that money is now more important and I believe managers are to frightened to try new things, new players and new formations, not many will put their reputations on the line for the fear of failure! Yet it’s usually their fear of changing things that cause their failure which results in their sacking! The days of proper managing football teams like the great Don, Wilko, Paisley, Clough etc etc did are unfortunately well and truly gone. Let’s just pray 🙏 for a great season in every way 👍👍.

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02 Jul 2024 00:02:49
Sorry lads you are all wrong. If the young ones are good enough Farke or any other manager will play them.
Archie Gray playing 50 odd games shows this.
Woody. As for young lads being introduced gently well that’s a load of bollox mate. The game hasn’t changed in that respect. If Leeds had let’s say three top youngsters like Archie last season I guarantee they’d all play. You play your best team regardless of age.

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02 Jul 2024 08:12:14
Now that’s spot on Corky. Only Archie was good enough. The rest weren’t, or aren’t. Quite simple really. You certainly don’t play them because they are young, have potential, or need development minutes! That’s what loans are for!

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02 Jul 2024 11:41:47
No Corkster and Brighty. utter balderdash re ' only Archie was good enough '

Leeds were playing in much lower level Champo last season. not frigging Champions League

Don't give us guff that Cresswell, Joffy and MJ aren't good enough to play in Champo . nonsense fellas

Facts are

Cressy and Joffy already played well and coped in EPL previous seasons

Cressy is also EFL proven. wirh full season with Millwall

MJ caused EPL Chelsea defence a whole bunch of problems

Give over fellas with the hyperbole.

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02 Jul 2024 14:04:20
Joseph is genuinely good enough for regular minutes. Not the participation ones he got most of the season.

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02 Jul 2024 14:08:16
I’m afraid Basil, that it’s only you talking guff and nonsense, on repeat, again.
How’s that Rodon signing doing for you by the way?
Joffy and Cressy? (No one disagreeing re MJ, so you can suck that one back in) ! Now yer just having’ a laff! Must take some serious bluff to make that statement then accuse others of talking toss!?

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02 Jul 2024 14:28:46
Creswell played well in the EPL? You sure Baz?
A couple of starts and you have him down as the next Tony Adams!

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02 Jul 2024 15:27:13
Make your mind up Brighty . you stated a few posts back. only AG was good enough.

Tell me why Bright and Corky

Joffy and Cresswell aren't good enough for Champo . on what facts are you basing that on . Good luck

And yes Corky . Joffy AND Cressy played well in EPL.

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02 Jul 2024 17:38:06
Only AG was good enough to gain the minutes he did, Baz.
MJ deserved more. The others YOU mentioned simply not good enough to displace people ahead of them. Is that clear enough, or would you like it in “Daily Star” speak?

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01 Jul 2024 13:46:26
The last regime has got us in to this mess
We wouldn't have to sell Grey to satisfy Psr if we didn't have those ridiculous loan clauses
We could have sold the want aways instead.

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01 Jul 2024 14:03:25
That's true, but more recently we failed to gain promotion. Loan clauses are void if we are in the EPL and we wouldn't have been on the hook for as much money.

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01 Jul 2024 14:33:21
What Dill said.

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01 Jul 2024 15:26:56
Mighty, Correct. Once those financial mistakes are no longer as visible on the accounts (probably another year) , 49ers will really be able to motor. If we can gain promotion this season, there's a rosy future ahead.

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01 Jul 2024 12:22:06
Just a question if Farke leaves who next for us, I don't think it will happen but just wondering your thoughts ❓❓❓.

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01 Jul 2024 12:33:53
Would still love Kjetil Knutsen from Bodo/ Glimt. Lovely attacking football and plenty of versatility.

He was rumoured to have turned Ajax down last summer though, so 🤷.

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01 Jul 2024 12:35:00
Farke won't resign . he has 3 years left on big fat 4 year contract.

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01 Jul 2024 12:36:54
Ain’t even considered it Bri, to be honest, because as you say, it ain’t happening any time soon in my opinion.

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01 Jul 2024 12:56:27
Erik Ten Hag.

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01 Jul 2024 13:32:13
Not happening. He ain’t quitting. He going to get rubbish load of money to improve team. Opti German. More like he sacked in Dec if we not top. And rightly so.

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01 Jul 2024 14:06:06
It's his lack of versatility which has hurt us the most last season. When a team languishing in the bottom half of the table sets up a low block to counter our possession, he's got zero answers and no ability to change tact. If he suddenly develops an ability to be more fluid in his approach then we can deal with the in game management flaws of like for like subss or sticking every attacking player on the bench on to see what happens.

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01 Jul 2024 15:31:20
What Dill said which is why I think we'll see the sale of Kamara because he has no goals in him. Farke isn't all of a sudden going to develop versatility. What I think he's going to do is this. With the Gray sale, use it as collateral to stop a Jimmy sale (he badly needs Jimmy for his limited tactics) and to bring in a goal scoring midfielder or maybe two whom can get him out of trouble when there's a low block being purposefully and effectively played.

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01 Jul 2024 11:25:33
Someone please tell me that we have not just sold Archie for £25 million to Spurs.

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01 Jul 2024 12:19:45
40 mill and we got Rodon for 10. Wouldn't surprise me to see Phillips return now.

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01 Jul 2024 12:34:35
We have not just sold Archie for £25m to Spurs.

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01 Jul 2024 12:37:31
I read £30m plus Rodon.

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01 Jul 2024 12:38:39
What's with the KP returning rumours

KP on 150K a year .3 years left on his contract

Dougie more chance of you joining Leeds . we need goalscoring midfielders .

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01 Jul 2024 12:59:03
Silly move by Gray.
He will never have the support, backing and admiration he would have had at Leeds.
Enjoy playing great for a bit, then getting benched when you have a run of bad form.

All the best, Archie, but someone who is jealous of your talent has just sold you a kipper.

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01 Jul 2024 13:22:30
Baz even Leeds could afford 150k a year, 3k a week🤣
I dunno Baz, just a feeling, although if Kamara goes then it could be a loan deal 50% wages, that makes sense.
But we do need creative players as must.

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01 Jul 2024 13:33:12
Lol Dougie pal
Yes I meant of course a week.

£150K a week

£23.4 mullion over KPs remaining 3 years

KP to Leeds
ain't happening Dougie .

fetch yer boots Dougie we need you in the CAM position.

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01 Jul 2024 14:08:00
I'm pretty adamant about not wanting back a perpetually injured and often unfit player. We already need to get some of those OFF the books.

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01 Jul 2024 14:41:39
Reports suggest it's £40m upfront, so no add ons for apps/ goals or other bs. And they will sell us Rodon for £10m, but we can pay in installments. Very good deal from a business standpoint. The old regime would've folded to a lesser offer, so, for me, it's nice to see the 49ers have a set if stones and hold out for a better deal despite mounting pressure.

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01 Jul 2024 16:52:22
The old regime would have sold Archie Gray for £10m, then paid £40m for Joe Rodon.
With Victor Orta high fiving Angus Kinnear 🤣🤣.

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01 Jul 2024 17:17:29
No add on though, if he turns out like Bellingham, as in value that poor. I would have included it, bound to sell for a lot more in the future.

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01 Jul 2024 18:19:11
No add ons would entail extra dough for league appearances/ goals/ finished in X place in the league, etc. A sell on clause would be independent of that, mate. And they generally don't announce a sell on clause, we only really find out info about them once someone comes in to buy them. So there may be one inserted in the deal, but likely won't know until Archie goes somewhere else.

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01 Jul 2024 18:57:44
YEP reporting no sell on clause 😫.

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01 Jul 2024 19:02:42
Let's hope so Dill.

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01 Jul 2024 10:22:58
The PSR deadline was yesterday so selling Archie obviously has nothing to do with that. So why are we selling him? Against the managers wishes too.
A strange one maybe somebody can enlighten me?

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01 Jul 2024 11:00:53
There’s talk of lattitude with PSR deadlines Cork and a number of journalists have referenced “near miss” transfers and if proven were ongoing once concluded can be included under the previous accounting year.

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01 Jul 2024 11:13:12
Read something about AG deal still being allowed to be included in PSR as a ' near miss ' to July 1st

As for Farke's wishes he can do one, his failure to get promoted from position of 1st with just 8 matches left is the causal reason for Leeds selling AG

Failure Farke is also the only reason we are selling England U21 player Charlie Cresswell ( for a woeful give away £ 3.8 million having never played him)

Farke out.

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01 Jul 2024 12:19:39
Absolutely Baz!, I mean, it wasn’t any of the players faults that we didn’t get promoted was it eh? Oh no just down to one person, Farke, absolutely, Farke out! Here we go again! Cresswell being sold, yes down to Farke again, he is the sole reason eh! Bielsa didn’t play him, Jesse didn’t play him, Garcia didn’t play him, Allardyce didn’t play him, so let’s all blame Farke! Give it a rest Baz on the Farke out nonsense, oh and as for your predictions, Gray is going and Rodon is on his way so that’s 2 down already and when we gain promotion with Farke then that’s 3 down! 🙃🙃.

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01 Jul 2024 12:35:31
I mentioned this last week. There's near miss wiggle room for around 14 days apparently.

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01 Jul 2024 12:37:35
Cresswell isn't the hill to die on Baz. As Woody mentions, he's nit played for any of the previous managers and he doesn't fit a possession dominant team. Plus are you dropping Struijk, Rodon or Ampadu for him? And if so why the hell would you do that 🤣.

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01 Jul 2024 12:38:46

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01 Jul 2024 12:51:35
Lol Woody 😆
Yep if it's true I am a tad surprised Rodon coming back to Champo

As for Cresswell he got some game time in much higher levep EPL under Bielsa and Marsch

Farke flunked promotion last season Woody. and we lost it from an increasingly weak midfield .

if he had played Ampadu in his mf position and Cressy. at CB. last 8 games.

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01 Jul 2024 13:02:33
Dill .

Ampadu is needed in midfield. it was increasingly anaemic without him last 8 matches

Again Dill . did Leeds go up?

As for Struick . he was never available.

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01 Jul 2024 13:55:17
Rodon can’t be coming back to Leeds, it was stated by Mystic Baz that it would Never happen and that was a fact. 🤣🤣.

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01 Jul 2024 14:08:47
Come on Baz, give your head a bit of a wobble matey! Look at what Farke had to put up with at the beginning of last season, he had to make the best of the last regimes terrible decisions, he had so much crap with not knowing who wanted to stay and go and had to make do with what was left, he then had bad apple Gnonto to deal with. Then out of this he gave us our best winning run ever and to be fair even though we won at home against Leicester, they lost that more than we won, but it still got us to a level playing field, but all good runs have got to come to an end, just like Bielsa in his first full season we ran out of steam, it happens! Judge Farke when it’s time to judge him which isn’t now!
I hope Farke proves you wrong and I for one am not waiting for him to fail, I’m expecting him to be a success and this deal with Archie really isn’t his fault, if anything he is responsible for nurturing a 17yr old into a £40M footballer, so we’ll done DF, take a bow! Baz don’t take a Bow! 🙃👍.

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01 Jul 2024 14:09:17
So you think we would have gone up if Cressy played?

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01 Jul 2024 14:18:16
Yet another prediction that goes splat down the toilet, the list is so long now of Baz’s forecasts going wrong I can’t even find the funny side of them anymore .
They’re just daft and boring 🥱.

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01 Jul 2024 14:36:04
Occasionally not correct MG, it happens.

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01 Jul 2024 08:59:29
Come on board, go get Rodon, 10 mil is a bargain and if rumors believed, he wants to come back. Be a big mistake to sign for ipswich. Hopefully if spurs get gray, maybe can then get rodon and skipp.

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01 Jul 2024 11:14:41
Err NO thanks to Oliver Skipp we already have a plethora of average midfielders and who neither assist nor score.

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01 Jul 2024 13:49:31
Baz - just a slightly incorrect assertion by you there. Gruev scored one, and bagged an assist. Ampadu scored 2 and got 2 assists - albeit while playing CB, but at least it shows has the ability to do both. Finally ‘snakehips’ (nickname apparently coined by Amps) Kamara got 4 assists. However, I agree with your verdict on Skipp - 2 goals and 4 assists in 147 senior appearances ain’t great, and while he’s decent in the tackle and technically quite proficient, he’s fairly slow.

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01 Jul 2024 14:11:54
Personally, like Skipp better than Gruev. He's quicker off the mark to get loose balls, close players down and put tackles in. He's tenacious and he has cracking workrate to get up and down the pitch. Passes just as well if not better too.

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01 Jul 2024 14:13:29
Gruev is slower than Skipp off the mark imo, Clue. Seen Gruev ambling to the ball too many times and committing fouls as a result.

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01 Jul 2024 15:57:30
Clu so 1 league goal in total ( 2 FA cup goals aren't of any use in league ) amongst those midfield players

Drum roll announce OPs deeply erroneous Champions elect prediction again 🙄 😀.

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02 Jul 2024 17:43:55
“Midfielders who neither assist not score”………🥴😳
Even Piroe managed to score from an AMF position, and let’s not mention Cree, DJ, Gio and Willy eh? In those non midfield roles.

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01 Jul 2024 01:01:13
Start spending now chaps. Waste no more time. New financial year. Get it sorted.

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